Getting Started 

The Qualys Administration application provides Role Based Access Control (RBAC) APIs to automate user management. APIs in this user guide are supported using Qualys Cloud Platform. 

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Qualys User Account

Authentication with valid Qualys user account credentials is required to make Qualys API requests to the servers. These servers are hosted at the Qualys platform, also referred to as the Security Operations Center (SOC), where your account is located. You can contact your Qualys account representative if you need assistance obtaining a Qualys account.

Users with a Qualys user account may access the API functions. When a subscription has multiple users, all users with any user role (except Contract) can use the Qualys API. Each user’s permissions correspond to their assigned user role.

Qualys user accounts enabled with VIP two-factor authentication can be used with the Qualys API; however, two-factor authentication will not be used when making API requests. Two-factor authentication is only supported when logging into the Qualys GUI.