When the Cloud Agent is uninstalled, the associated Cloud Agent host record and scan results are purged. The Cloud Agent host record is deleted from the database only when the Cloud Agent is offline for more than 15 days of purge, and the agent should have been marked as revoked by the Cloud Agent Server.
The following rules are followed when the Cloud Agent host is physically offline when the purge action is triggered:
If the Cloud Agent host is offline for more than 15 days and the Cloud Agent is uninstalled manually or with the purge rules, the Cloud Agent host record is removed from the database.
When the host is back online, the Cloud Agent is reprovisioned as it is considered a new Cloud Agent because the Cloud Agent entry was removed from the database.
If the Cloud Agent host is online within 15 days of purge, the Cloud Agent gets uninstalled from the asset, and the Cloud Agent host record is removed from the database.