Cloud Agent Health Check Tool

The Cloud Agent Local Health Check tool assesses the Health of the Qualys Agent on the specific host. The tool is available with the Cloud Agent setup for the Linux platform. The tool runs independently and does not require any parameters.

Run the following command to launch the Cloud Agent Health Check tool:


 The Cloud Agent Health Check tool is available for the Qualys Cloud Agent for Linux 6.3 and above.

Agent Health Status Evaluation

The tool assesses the overall health status of the Cloud Agent based on installation status, communication health, and application functionality. The applications assessed for health status are Vulnerability Management (VM), Policy Compliance (PC), Security Configuration Assessment (SCA), Patch Management (PM), User Defined Control (UDC), and Software Composition Analysis (SwCA).

  • Agent communication health is evaluated based on proxy settings and connection to Qualys Server endpoints.
  • The health of the scan-based applications is evaluated based on the scan interval, upload interval, and last scan/last upload time.
  • For Patch Management health, the tool initiates the patch download from specified URLs and verifies the file hash. If a patch fails to download, patch health is flagged as bad; however, if the patch is successfully downloaded but fails verification, it does not impact Patch Management health. Instead, an entry is recorded in the error section of the JSON to indicate the failed patch verification.

Agent Health Status Report

The Agent Health Status tool provides a console output, a user-friendly text summary, and a detailed JSON report. The text report and the JSON report are generated in the HealthCheck directory, located in the same directory where the tool is executed.

Health Status and Descriptions

The following table presents the health status and description.

Health Status Description
Good Agent Health is Good.
Bad The Agent is facing some communication issues, the Agent Service is down, or none of the applications are functioning properly.
Poor Some applications of the Qualys Agent are functioning correctly.
Not Installed Qualys Agent is not installed on the asset. 
Not Provisioned Qualys Agent is installed but not provisioned.
Tool Error The Agent Health Status tool encountered a critical error while determining Agent Health.

Example of Health Check Report

The following report shows that the overall Agent health is Poor as a result of Patch Management application health as highlighted in the report.

Example of text report:

CLoud Agent Healt Check: Text Report.

Example of JSON report:

Cloud Agent Health Check: JSON Report.