Viewing Job Status of Scripts
After a script is executed, you can view the details and their current statuses in the Jobs tab.
When a script is executed, the job name displayed is same as the script name. When a script is tested, the job name is displayed as Test-<ScriptName-TimestampEpoch> (milliseconds not included).
To view the job status of scripts and schedules:
In the Jobs tab, search for script jobs by using the following QQL tokens in the search box:
Search for scheduled jobs by using the following QQL tokens in the search box:
The following details for each script are included in the Jobs tab:
- Time: Date and timestamp of the job performed.
- Job Name: Name of the script executed/tested.
- Platform: Name of the platform on which the script is executed/tested whether Windows or Linux.
- Severity: Severity of the script on the scale of 1 to 5.
- Script Category: Category selected while creating the script.
- Result Count: Total count of assets on which the script is executed or tested.
- Execution Passed: Lists the count of the assets on which the script was successfully executed or tested.
- Execution Failed: Lists the count of the assets on which the script execution or test failed.
- Pending: Lists the count of the assets that are pending for the script execution or testing.
According to the CAR Data Retention policy, the jobs and asset jobs are automatically deleted after 7 days as part of a scheduled job.
You can use the Quick Actions menu to perform the following actions on a selected script job:
- View Details: View various details about the script job that you have selected, such as the time when the job was completed, the assets included in the script, current status of the job, return code and so on.
- View Schedule Details: This is applicable only for scheduled script jobs. You can view the schedule parameters that were specified when the job was created.
- Re-run on All Assets: Execute the job again on all assets that are included in the script.
- Re-run on Failed Assets: Execute the job again on the assets on which the script job failed.
- View Script Details: You can view details such as platform, script type, scripting language, description, category, and so on.