Troubleshoot Jobs stuck in Manifest_Assigned Status
Asset job status changes the status to manifest assigned when manifest is generated for the asset. The asset job will be taken to the next status when asset sends the updates about the manifest.
Possible Reasons
Following is a list of reasons for asset blocked with Manifest_Assigned status:
- Host does not exist in CAUI (Cloud Agent UI) due to some failure in installation of Qualys Cloud Agent Security file.
- The time on the local machine and VM where agent is present does not sync and differ for more than 5 min i.e NTP (Network Time Protocol) sync issue.
- Host on which agent service is stopped or agent is uninstalled other than officially suggested or documented steps.
- A non-communicating host that is the result of improper Cloud Agent installation, dysfunctional machine, and other reasons.
Troubleshooting Steps
• Check if Agent exists on CAUI.
• Agent time should be in sync with Platform.
• Check if cloud agent is installed correctly and the agent service is running.