Release 2.0.1

February 02, 2024

What's New?

Introduced Two New Fields for Creating a Custom QID Script 

With this release, we have added two new optional text fields, Impact, and Solution, for adding QID Details while creating a Custom QID script.

  • Impact: Use this field to describe the potential consequences of a successful exploitation of the vulnerability. 
  • Solution: Use this field to suggest a verified fix for the problem. 

New Option to Create Schedule While Creating Custom QID Script

With this release, we have introduced a new option, Save and Create a Schedule, while creating a Custom QID script. Previously, you had to create a Custom QID script and schedule it separately. Now, you can create a schedule while creating the script simultaneously. This saves you time and effort.          

Save an Create Schedule Option.

Script Creation Count Increased to 5000

With this release, we have increased the maximum number of scripts allowed per subscription. Previously, the limit was set at 2000, but we have now raised it to 5000. You can now create more scripts, which can help you automate your tasks more efficiently.

Previous Release Notes 

If you want to refer to the previous releases release notes that were in the PDF format, refer to the Release Notes page.