Appendix B - Endpoint Details with Description

This appendix lists the fields present in the response of the List Endpoints API, along with a description.




True if the endpoint is vulnerable to the BEAST attack


Integer value to describe the endpoint support for renegotiation

  • bit 0 (1) - set if insecure client-initiated renegotiation is supported

  • bit 1 (2) - set if secure renegotiation is supported

  • bit 2 (4) - set if secure client-initiated renegotiation is supported

  • bit 3 (8) - set if the server requires secure renegotiation support


Integer value to describe supported compression methods

bit 0 is set for DEFLATE


True if the server supports at least one RC4 suite


True if RC4 is used with modern clients


True if only RC4 suites are supported


Integer value to describe support for Forward Secrecy

  • bit 0 (1) - set if at least one browser from our simulations negotiated a Forward Secrecy suite

  • bit 1 (2) - set based on Simulator results if FS is achieved with modern clients. For example, the server supports ECDHE suites, but not DHE

  • bit 2 (4) - set if all simulated clients achieve FS. In other words, this requires an ECDHE + DHE combination to be supported


True if the server supports at least one AEAD suite


Integer value to indicate protocol version intolerance issues:

  • bit 0 (1) - TLS 1.0

  • bit 1 (2) - TLS 1.1

  • bit 2 (4) - TLS 1.2

  • bit 3 (8) - TLS 1.3

  • bit 4 (16) - TLS 1.152

  • bit 5 (32) - TLS 2.152


True if the server is vulnerable to the Heartbleed attack


True if the server supports the Heartbeat extension


Indicates result of the CVE-2014-0224 test:

  • -1 - test failed

  • 0 - unknown

  • 1 - not vulnerable

  • 2 - possibly vulnerable, but not exploitable

  • 3 - vulnerable and exploitable


Indicates result of the CVE-2016-2107 test:

  • -1 - test failed

  • 0 - unknown

  • 1 - not vulnerable

  • 2 - vulnerable and insecure


Indicates result of the ticketbleed CVE-2016-9244 test:

  • -1 - test failed

  • 0 - unknown

  • 1 - not vulnerable

  • 2 - vulnerable and insecure

  • 3 - not vulnerable but a similar bug detected


Indicates result of the Return Of Bleichenbacher's Oracle Threat (ROBOT) test:

  • -1 - test failed

  • 0 - unknown

  • 1 - not vulnerable

  • 2 - vulnerable (weak oracle)

  • 3 - vulnerable (strong oracle)

  • 4 - inconsistent results


True if the endpoint is vulnerable to POODLE; false otherwise


Indicates result of the POODLE TLS test:

  • -3 - timeout

  • -2 - TLS not supported

  • -1 - test failed

  • 0 - unknown

  • 1 - not vulnerable

  • 2 - vulnerable


True if the server supports TLS_FALLBACK_SCSV, false if it doesn't. This field will not be available if the server's support for TLS_FALLBACK_SCSV can not be tested because it supports only one protocol version (e.g., only TLS 1.2).


True if the server is vulnerable to the FREAK attack, meaning it supports 512-bit key exchange.


Indicates information about the availability of certificate transparency information (embedded SCTs):

  • bit 0 (1) - SCT in certificate

  • bit 1 (2) - SCT in the stapled OCSP response

  • bit 2 (4) - SCT in the TLS extension (ServerHello)


True if the server uses DH parameters weaker than 1024 bits


True if server vulnerable to the DROWN attack


Indicates result of the Zombie POODLE test:

  • -1 - test failed

  • 0 - unknown

  • 1 - not vulnerable

  • 2 - vulnerable

  • 3 - vulnerable and exploitable


Indicates result of the GOLDENDOODLE test:

  • -1 - test failed

  • 0 - unknown

  • 1 - not vulnerable

  • 4 - vulnerable

  • 5 - vulnerable and exploitable


True if the server supports at least one CBC suite


Indicates result of the 0-Length Padding Oracle (CVE-2019-1559) test:

  • -1 - test failed

  • 0 - unknown

  • 1 - not vulnerable

  • 6 - vulnerable

  • 7 - vulnerable and exploitable


Indicates result of the Sleeping POODLE test:

  • -1 - test failed

  • 0 - unknown

  • 1 - not vulnerable

  • 10 - vulnerable

  • 11 - vulnerable and exploitable