Add Bulk External Sites API


Use this API to upload CSV file to add external sites to the account. A single CSV file can contain up to 1000 records.

Input ParametersInput Parameters



Data Type


Mandatory file Provide the CSV file with single column.
Note: A single CSV file can contain up to 1000 records.
action Mandatory String Select the action to be performed on uploaded CSV. Choose SAVE or SAVE_AND_LAUNCH once the CSV is uploaded.
Authorization Mandatory String Authorization token to authenticate to the Qualys Cloud Platform.
Prepend token with Bearer and one space.
For example - Bearer <authToken>

Sample 1: Response When a Valid CSV is Uploaded Sample 1: Response When a Valid CSV is Uploaded

API Request

curl -X POST '<qualys_base_url>/certview/v1/certview/v1/externalSites/bulkAdd?action=SAVE'
-H 'Accept: application/json'
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <JWT Token>'
-H 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data'
-F 'file=@test1.csv;type=text/csv'


Response code: 202 

Sample 2: Response When a Invalid CSV is UploadedSample 2: Response When a Invalid CSV is Uploaded

API Request

curl -X POST
-H 'Accept: application/json'
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <JWT Token>'
-H 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data'
-F 'file=@test1.csv;type=text/csv'


  "errorCode": 400,
  "message": null,
  "subErrors": [
      "errorCode": 400,
      "field": "",
      "lineNo": 1,
      "message": "Provide a valid public IP address"
      "errorCode": 400,
      "field": "2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:6666:7777:8888",
      "lineNo": 2,
      "message": "We don't support IPv6 right now, so Please provide a IPv4 address"
      "errorCode": 400,
      "field": "",
      "lineNo": 3,
      "message": "Invalid FQDN or IP Address"
  "status": "BAD_REQUEST",
  "timestamp": "2023-09-06T11:41:24.196+00:00"