Search Tokens for Jobs Tab
You can use search tokens to search certificates request job.
Use the token values to search certificate request jobs based on status. Choose the status values from Csr Generated, Failed, Finished, In Progress, or Issued
Show certificate request job with this status
status: Finished
Use a date range or specific date to search the certificates request job created in YYYY-MM-DD format.
Show certificates request jobs that were created on 2024-12-05.
createDate: '2024-12-05'
Use a text value ##### to search the certificates request job by name.
Show certificates request jobs with this name
jobName: certificates_Qualys
Use a date range or specific date to search the certificates request job updated in YYYY-MM-DD format.
Show certificates request jobs that were updated on 2024-12-05.
updateDate: '2024-12-05'
Show certificates request jobs that were updated between specific dates.
updateDate:[2024-10-15 .. 2024-12-25]
Use the values On Demand | Scheduled to specify the type of the certificates request job.
Show all the scheduled request jobs.
type: Scheduled
Use a text value ##### to search the certificates request job by certificate name.
Show certificates request jobs with this name
certificateName: SSL certificates
Use the token values to search certificates request jobs based on certificate authority. Choose the certificate authority value as EJBCA or Digicert.
Show certificates request job for this certificate authority
certificateAuthority: Digicert
Supported Boolean Operators
The Qualys Query Language (QQL) supports the following logical or Boolean query operators. Use these operators in your queries to narrow down or broaden your search.
Narrow down the search by using the and operator in the Boolean query. The result contains all the token values that are provided in the query.
assetName: localhost and status:Success
Narrow down the search by using the not operator in the Boolean query. The result contains all the other values except the one specified after not in the query.
not status:Success
Broaden the search by using the or operator in the Boolean query. The result contains any of the token values that are provided in the query.
assetName: localhost or status:Success
We do not support nested queries for a combination of NOT and OR operators.