Search Tokens for External Sites
You can use search tokens to search external sites on the External Sites tab.
Use a text value ##### to search an external site using an FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) or an IP address. For exact search, enclose the token value in backticks `<value>`
Show any findings related to an external site using an IP address
Show any findings that contain parts of an external site using its FQDN
target: ""
Show the findings that match the exact external site using its FQDN
target: ``
Show any findings that match the exact external site using an IP address
Search the external sites using their last scan status. Select the token values from Finished, Canceled, Waiting, Queued, Running, or Error.
Note: To search the external sites that are never scanned, specify the value as null.
Show external sites that have scan status as Finished
lastScanStatus: Finished
Show external sites that are never scanned
lastScanStatus is null
Use a date range or specific date to search external sites using the last scan date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
Show external sites that were last scanned on 2022-12-05.
lastScanDate: '2022-12-05'
Show external sites that were last scanned between specific dates.
lastScanDate: [2018-06-15 .. 2018-06-30]
Use a text value ##### to search external sites using IPs on which they are resolved.
Show external sites resolved on
resolvedIps: ""
Supported Boolean Operators
The Qualys Query Language (QQL) supports the following logical or Boolean query operators. Use these operators in your queries to narrow down or broaden your search.
Narrow down the search by using the and operator in the Boolean query. The result contains all the token values that are provided in the query.
Show the external site with the given IP address and last scan status as Waiting
and lastScanStatus:Waiting
Narrow down the search by using the not operator in the Boolean query. The result contains all the other values except the one specified after not in the query.
Exclude the external sites with the last scan status as Error
Not lastScanStatus: Error
Broaden the search by using the or operator in the Boolean query. The result contains any of the token values that are provided in the query.
Show the external sites having last scan status as Error or Canceled
lastScanStatus:Error or lastScanStatus:Canceled