Manage Assessment Reports

How do I run my Assessment report?

How do I view my Assessment report?

How do I know when the Assessment report is finished?

Can I view Assessment reports created by other users?

What are the different report formats for Assessment Reports?

What is the difference between build time and run time controls?

What are the different control evaluation results?

How do I run my Assessment  report?

Just go to Reports > Reports and select the Assessment report and then select Run Again from the quick actions menu.

How do I know when the Assessment report is finished?

When you select Run Report from the quick actions menu, the report compilation will start and the status changes to Processing. As soon as the report is generated, the status is changed to Completed.

How do I view my Assessment report?

Go to Reports > Reports, select the report and then select Download from the quick actions menu. The Assessment report is downloaded to your system.

Can I view reports created by other users?

This depends on your user role. Reports are available to users in this way:

- Managers and users with all permissions have access to all reports.

- Reader user cannot create or edit report templates but can only view reports.

What are the different report formats for Assessment Reports?

You could generate an Assessment report in either CSV or PDF format. For more information on how to generate an Assessment report, refer to Assessment Reports.

What is the difference between build time and run time controls?

Depending on the execution type, the controls are categorized as follows:

•    Run Time – Controls for evaluations on deployed cloud resources
•    Build Time – Controls for evaluations on resources residing in the IaC templates

What are the different control evaluation results?

Control evaluation results are of 3 types:

•    Pass – Resources which have passed the policy compliance evaluation.
•    Fail –  Resources which have failed the policy compliance evaluation.
•    N/A – Resources which were not evaluated for policy compliance.