AWS Inspector Connector

An API Connector integrates and synchronizes data between systems by importing and exporting API data. It allows users to map API data to specific fields within the target system, enabling the automated transfer of findings such as host asset vulnerabilities. 

The AWS Inspector API connector establishes a connection from Qualys ETM to AWS Inspector with API authentication details. You can then schedule the API call to be executed periodically to update the findings.

To know more about how the AWS Inspector API Connector leverages the findings, refer to the Qualys ETM Documentation.

Create a New API Connector

Basic Details

  1. Provide the Connector's Name and Description.
  2. Select the type of findings you want to import or export - currently, we support Vulnerability.
  3. Select the Asset Type - currently we support Host Asset.
    The following screenshot displays the Basic Details fields.
  4. Next, provide the API authentication details of the AWS Inspector environment. You need to provide the following.

    1. Base Account ID: Enter your AWS account ID.
    2. External ID: This is automatically generated for cross-account authentication.
    3. Role ARN: Provide the ARN of the IAM role that grants necessary permissions.
    4. Region: Select the AWS region where Inspector is running (e.g., "US East (N. Virginia)").

Data Model

The AWS Inspector API Connector offers an out-of-box data model mapping for you to map with Qualys ETM schema. You can view the schema to understand the attributes in the data model.

Transform Maps

Map the fields from the CSV file to the corresponding fields in your target system. Transform Maps ensure the data is transformed correctly during the import or export process.

The AWS Inspector Connector offers an out-of-box transform map for you to proceed without further configuration. View the map to understand the data transformation or clone the map to edit its configurations.

Click Create New for a new Transform Map.

Perform the following steps to configure a Transform Model:

  1. Transform Map Name: Enter a unique name for the Transform Map. This name helps identify the specific transformation configuration within this connector.
  2. Source Data Model: Select the data model that serves as the input for the transformation. This is the model from which data will be extracted.
  3. Target Data Model: Choose the data model that receives the transformed data. This model defines how the data will be structured after the transformation.

    Refer the following Transform Map screenshot:

Fields Mapping

The Fields Mapping section maps fields from the Source Data Model to the Target Data Model.

  1. Source Field: Specify the field in the Source Data Model containing the transformed data.
  2. Data Type: Indicate the data type of the Source Field (e.g., string, integer, date).
  3. Target Field: Designate the corresponding field where the transformed data will be placed in the Target Data Model.

Click Add to create and display the mapping for the Source Field, Data Type, and Target Field below the section. This visual helps ensure that all necessary fields are mapped correctly and allows easy verification and adjustments.


Create a profile for your connector. A profile decides the connector status, execution schedule and transform map to choose. The connector follows the configurations of this profile for all future executions.

Click the "+" to create a new profile.

In the Add Profile screen, provide the necessary inputs for your new profile.

Provide a Name and Description.

Select the required Transform Map for the data mapping.

The Detection of DataTypes determine which findings to select for the profile. The Asset Types determine the required resource whose findings should be ingested by Qualys ETM.

The Filter field let's you add snippets of code to further determine what data should be parsed.

The Status field determines whether the connector should be in Active or Inactive state after creation. 

Lastly, the Schedule section lets you either create a Single Occurrence schedule or a Recurring schedule. Provide the exact date and time for the Single Occurence execution and provide the Start and End date/time for the Recurring schedule.


The Scoring screen lets you map non-CVE vulnerability scores from your vendors to Qualys Detection Score (QDS) system.

Score mapping screen.

You have two columns with 5 input fields in each of them. These fields correspond to a specific severity starting from the least severe (1), to the most severe (5).

Fill out all 5 rows to create a comprehensive score mapping. This allows for translation between various vendor scoring systems and Qualys' Detection Score.

The specifics of the mapping is explained below.

Expected Source Values - Enter the vendor's original score or rating for non-CVE vulnerabilities.
This can be alphanumeric values. (e.g., "High", "Critical", "A", "3", etc.).

Severity - This column is pre-populated with severity levels from 1-5. These represent the severity levels in Qualys. The Source Value must be mapped such that it utilizes these 5 severity levels.

QDS - Enter the corresponding Qualys Detection Score. Use values from 0-100, where higher numbers indicate higher severity.

Default Severity

Below the scoring map, find the 'Default Severity' dropdown menu.

Select a default severity level from 1-5, this is applied when a vendor's score for a non-CVE vulnerability doesn't match any 'Expected Source Value' in your mapping table.

Select Identification Rules

The Identification Rules are a set of out-of-the-box precedence rules set by Qualys CSAM. The connector discovers findings based on the order set by the selected Identification Rules.

You can proceed to the next step without making any changes to this screen.

Select Identification Rules screen.

If you don't want to choose a specific rule, turn off the toggle next to it. But, ensure that at least one rule is selected.

To learn more about the different rules and options present in this screen, refer to the CSAM Online Help.

Review and Confirm

Review the configurations provided in the previous steps. Ensure all details are correct and complete. Confirm the setup to finalize the configuration of the CSV connector.

This streamlined process allows for efficient data integration, ensuring accuracy and consistency across systems.

Saving and Running the Connector

Save and run the connector to process the data accordingly, transforming and importing it as per the configurations set.