Vulnerability scanning of: Container Images | Containers | Container Hosts | Registry
The containers are scanned to check the presence of any vulnerabilities within the containers. The Vulnerabilities panel in Container Details provides a list of vulnerabilities with Severity along with their QIDs. Select Show Patchable Vulnerabilities to view vulnerabilities with available patches.
Drift Containers are those which contain vulnerabilities or software, not found in the image from which the container is spawned.
Drift Vulnerabilities are classified as either New, Fixed or Varied. New vulnerabilities are those that are newly found on the containers but were not present in the image from which the container is spawned. Fixed vulnerabilities are those that are not found in the container but in the image. Varied vulnerabilities are those that are found in both Containers and Images but the detection varies between them.
Drift Software are classified as new or removed. New software is that which is found in the Container but not in the image from which the container is spawned. Removed software is that which is not seen in the Container but is present in the parent Image.