Fetch Vulnerabilities Associated with a List

Fetches vulnerabilities associated with a list.


Input ParametersInput Parameters

Parameter Mandatory/Optional Data Type Description
listId Mandatory string Specify the ID/UUID of the list.
filter Optional string

Filter vulnerabilities by providing a query using Qualys syntax.

Refer to the “How to Search” topic in the online help for assistance with creating your query.


Optional integer

The page to be returned. Page numbers start with 1.

The default value is 1.

pageSize Optional integer

The number of records per page to be included in the response.

The default value is 50.

sort Optional string

Sort the results using a Qualys token.

Refer to the “Sortable tokens” topic in the online help for more information.

Sample: Fetch Vulnerabilities Associated with a ListSample: Fetch Vulnerabilities Associated with a List

API Request

curl -X "GET"
-H "accept: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer <token>"


    "data": [
            "description": {
                "en": "Suse has released security update for mozillafirefox to fix the vulnerabilities.&lt;P&gt;Affected Products:&lt;BR&gt; openSUSE Leap 42.2&lt;BR&gt; openSUSE Leap 42.1&lt;BR&gt; openSUSE 13.2&lt;BR&gt; "
            "consequence": {
                "en": "Successful exploitation allows attacker to compromise the system."
            "solution": {
                "en": "Upgrade to the latest packages which contain a patch. To install this SUSE Security Update use YaST online_update. Alternatively you can run the command listed for your product.\n&lt;P&gt;\nTo install packages using the command line interface, use the command &quot;yum update&quot;.\n&lt;P&gt;\nRefer to Suse security advisory &lt;A HREF=\"http://lists.opensuse.org/opensuse-updates/2016-12/msg00020.html\" TARGET=\"_blank\"&gt;openSUSE-SU-2016:2994-1&lt;/A&gt; to address this issue and obtain further details."
            "os": null,
            "discoveryTypes": [
            "published": "1486381417000",
            "updated": "1687457302000",
            "types": [
            "severity": 4,
            "risk": 40,
            "flags": [
            "category": "SUSE",
            "authTypes": [
            "patches": [
            "qid": 169550,
            "exploitability": null,
            "exploits": [
                    "name": "Firefox SVG Animation Remote Code ExecutionExploit - Core Security Category : Exploits/Client Side",
                    "insertDate": "1483641145000",
                    "firstSeen": null,
                    "link": null,
                    "reference": "CVE-2016-9079",
                    "vendor": {
                        "name": "Core Security",
                        "link": "http://www.coresecurity.com"
                    "name": "FirefoxnsSMILTimeContainer::NotifyTimeChange() RCE - Metasploit Ref :/modules/exploit/windows/browser/firefox_smil_uaf",
                    "insertDate": "1485252459000",
                    "firstSeen": "1480464000000",
                    "link": "https://github.com/rapid7/metasploitframework/blob/master//modules/exploits/windows/browser/firefox_smil_uaf.rb",
                    "reference": "CVE-2016-9079",
                    "vendor": {
                        "name": "Metasploit",
                        "link": "http://www.metasploit.com"
            "threatIntel": {
                "activeAttacks": true,
                "zeroDay": null,
                "publicExploit": true,
                "highLateralMovement": null,
                "easyExploit": null,
                "highDataLoss": null,
                "noPatch": null,
                "denialOfService": null,
                "malware": true,
                "exploitKit": null,
                "publicExploitNames": [
                    "Firefox SVG Animation Remote Code Execution Exploit -Core Security Category : Exploits/Client Side",
                    "Firefox nsSMILTimeContainer::NotifyTimeChange() RCE -Metasploit Ref : /modules/exploit/windows/browser/firefox_smil_uaf",
                    "Mozilla Firefox &lt; 50.0.2 -'nsSMILTimeContainer::NotifyTimeChange()' Remote Code Execution(Metasploit) - The Exploit-DB Ref : 41151",
                    "Firefox 50.0.1 - ASM.JS JIT-Spray Remote Code Execution- The Exploit-DB Ref : 42327"
                "malwareNames": [
                "exploitKitNames": []
            "malwares": [
                    "aliases": null,
                    "name": "ShellCode",
                    "damage": null,
                    "distribution": null,
                    "infections": null,
                    "link": null,
                    "platform": "Script",
                    "rating": null,
                    "type": "Trojan",
                    "firstSeen": "1488423480000",
                    "vendor": {
                        "name": "ReversingLabs",
                        "link": "https://www.reversinglabs.com"
                    "aliases": null,
                    "name": "WebShell",
                    "damage": null,
                    "distribution": null,
                    "infections": null,
                    "link": null,
                    "platform": "Script",
                    "rating": null,
                    "type": "Trojan",
                    "firstSeen": "1524585540000",
                    "vendor": {
                        "name": "ReversingLabs",
                        "link": "https://www.reversinglabs.com"
            "title": "OpenSuSE Security Update for MozillaFirefox(openSUSE-SU-2016:2994-1)",
            "patchAvailable": true,
            "cveIds": [
            "vendorRefs": [
            "bugTraqIds": [
            "cvssInfo": {
                "baseScore": "6.8",
                "temporalScore": "5.6",
                "accessVector": "Network"
            "cvss3Info": {
                "baseScore": "8.8",
                "temporalScore": "8.2"
            "sans20Categories": null,
            "lists": null,
            "compliances": [],
            "supportedBy": [
                "CA-Linux Agent"
            "vendors": [
                    "vendorName": "suse",
                    "productName": "None"
                    "vendorName": "opensuse",
                    "productName": "None"
            "vendorRefDetails": [
                    "vendorRef": "openSUSE-SU-2016:2994-1",
                    "url": "http://lists.opensuse.org/opensuseupdates/2016-12/msg00020.html",
                    "lastModified": "1486124410000"
            "vulnPatch": {
                "patchAvailable": true,
                "patchReleaseDate": "1480809600000",
                "vendorSeverity": "important",
                "patches": [
                        "id": 634478,
                        "advisoryID": "openSUSE-SU-2016:2994-1",
                        "component": null,
                        "lastModified": "1486124408000",
                        "link": "http://lists.opensuse.org/opensuseupdates/2016-12/msg00020.html",
                        "osSoftware": "OpenSuse",
                        "rebootDetails": "Conditional",
                        "rebootRequired": 2,
                        "subComponent": null
            "qidProperties": [
    "count": 52