Fetch Vulnerabilities Associated with a List - Bulk API

Fetches a list of vulnerabilities associated with a list. Use this API when the number of vulnerabilities is large.


Input ParametersInput Parameters

Parameter Mandatory/Optional Data Type Description
listId Mandatory string Specify the ID/UUID of the list.
filter Optional string

Filter vulnerabilities by providing a query using Qualys syntax.

Refer to the “How to Search” topic in the online help for assistance with creating your query.

pageSize Optional integer

The number of records per page to be included in the response.

The default value is 50.

nextPage Optional integer Specify the next page query to fetch the results of the next page. Use the value from the previous response.

Sample: Fetch Vulnerabilities Associated with a ListSample: Fetch Vulnerabilities Associated with a List

API Request

curl -X "GET"
-H "accept: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer <token>"


    "data": [
            "description": {
                "EN": "Tenable virtual appliances deliver power, deployment speed and all around ease of use by virtually eliminating installation, configuration and maintenance problems.<P>\nThe Tenable Appliance contain several vulnerabilities. One exists in the underlying operating system kernel, two in the Appliance web interface, and multiple issues in bundled applications.<P>\nAffected Versions:<BR>\nTenable Appliance versions 3.4.0, 3.5.0, 3.5.1, 3.10.0, 3.10.1, 4.0.0, 4.1.0, 4.2.0, 4.3.0, 4.3.1, 4.4.0 are affected.\n<P>\n\nQID Detection Logic (Unauthenticated):<BR>\nThis QID sends a crafted HTTP request on TCP port 8000 and checks for the system response."
            "consequence": {
                "EN": "Successful exploitation of these vulnerabilities could allow an attacker to take control of the affected system."
            "solution": {
                "EN": "Customers are advised to refer to <A HREF=\"http://www.tenable.com/security/tns-2017-07\" TARGET=\"_blank\">tns-2017-07</A> for updates pertaining to this vulnerability."
            "discoveryTypes": [
            "published": 1495534216000,
            "updated": 1689717601000,
            "types": [
            "severity": 4,
            "risk": 40,
            "flags": [
            "category": "CGI",
            "typeDetected": "CONFIRMED",
            "authTypes": [],
            "patches": [
            "vulnPatch": {
                "patchAvailable": true,
                "patchReleaseDate": 1488844800000,
                "vendorSeverity": "High",
                "patches": [
                        "id": 642244,
                        "advisoryID": "Tenable Appliance 4.5.0 or later version",
                        "lastModified": 1493766004000,
                        "link": "https://www.tenable.com/products/tenable-virtual-appliances#tos",
                        "rebootDetails": "Conditional",
                        "rebootRequired": 2
            "qid": 11802,
            "exploits": [
                    "name": "Linux Kernel 4.4.0 (Ubuntu) - DCCP Double-Free (PoC) - The Exploit-DB Ref : 41457",
                    "insertDate": 1488202773000,
                    "firstSeen": 1488067200000,
                    "link": "http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/41457",
                    "reference": "CVE-2017-6074",
                    "vendor": {
                        "name": "The Exploit-DB",
                        "link": "http://www.exploit-db.com"
                    "name": "Linux Kernel 4.4.0 (Ubuntu) - DCCP Double-Free Privilege Escalation - The Exploit-DB Ref : 41458",
                    "insertDate": 1488202774000,
                    "firstSeen": 1488067200000,
                    "link": "http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/41458",
                    "reference": "CVE-2017-6074",
                    "vendor": {
                        "name": "The Exploit-DB",
                        "link": "http://www.exploit-db.com"
                    "name": "Tenable Appliance < 4.5 - Unauthenticated Root Remote Code Execution",
                    "insertDate": 1493790371000,
                    "link": "https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/41892/",
                    "reference": "CVE-2017-8051",
                    "vendor": {
                        "name": "Qualys",
                        "link": "http://www.qualys.com"
                    "name": "Tenable Appliance < 4.5 - Root Remote Code Execution - The Exploit-DB Ref : 41892",
                    "insertDate": 1495551120000,
                    "firstSeen": 1492473600000,
                    "link": "http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/41892",
                    "reference": "CVE-2017-8051",
                    "vendor": {
                        "name": "The Exploit-DB",
                        "link": "http://www.exploit-db.com"
                    "name": "Linux Kernel DCCP_PKT_REQUEST Privilege Escalation Exploit - Core Security Category : Exploits/Local",
                    "insertDate": 1498763575000,
                    "reference": "CVE-2017-6074",
                    "vendor": {
                        "name": "Core Security",
                        "link": "http://www.coresecurity.com"
                    "name": "Linux Kernel 4.4.0 (Ubuntu) - DCCP Double-Free (PoC)",
                    "insertDate": 1685336402000,
                    "firstSeen": 1488067200000,
                    "link": "https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/41457",
                    "reference": "CVE-2017-6074",
                    "vendor": {
                        "name": "exploitdb"
                    "name": "Linux Kernel DCCP_PKT_REQUEST Privilege Escalation Exploit",
                    "insertDate": 1685336402000,
                    "firstSeen": 1498694400000,
                    "link": "https://www.coresecurity.com/core-labs/exploits",
                    "reference": "CVE-2017-6074",
                    "vendor": {
                        "name": "coreimpact"
                    "name": "Linux Kernel 4.4.0 (Ubuntu) - DCCP Double-Free Privilege Escalation",
                    "insertDate": 1685336402000,
                    "firstSeen": 1488067200000,
                    "link": "https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/41458",
                    "reference": "CVE-2017-6074",
                    "vendor": {
                        "name": "exploitdb"
                    "name": "Linux Kernel 4.4.0 Ubuntu DCCP Double-Free Privilege Escalation",
                    "insertDate": 1685336402000,
                    "firstSeen": 1488153600000,
                    "link": "https://packetstormsecurity.com/files/141331/Linux-Kernel-4.4.0-Ubuntu-DCCP-Double-Free-Privilege-Escalation.html",
                    "reference": "CVE-2017-6074",
                    "vendor": {
                        "name": "packetstorm"
                    "name": "Linux Kernel 4.4.0 Ubuntu DCCP Double-Free Crash",
                    "insertDate": 1685336402000,
                    "firstSeen": 1488153600000,
                    "link": "https://packetstormsecurity.com/files/141339/Linux-Kernel-4.4.0-Ubuntu-DCCP-Double-Free-Crash.html",
                    "reference": "CVE-2017-6074",
                    "vendor": {
                        "name": "packetstorm"
                    "name": "Linux Kernel 4.4.0 (Ubuntu) - DCCP Double-Free PoC Exploit",
                    "insertDate": 1685336402000,
                    "firstSeen": 1488067200000,
                    "link": "https://0day.today/exploit/27133",
                    "reference": "CVE-2017-6074",
                    "vendor": {
                        "name": "0day.today"
                    "name": "Linux Kernel 4.4.0 (Ubuntu) - DCCP Double-Free Privilege Escalation Exploit",
                    "insertDate": 1685336402000,
                    "firstSeen": 1488067200000,
                    "link": "https://0day.today/exploit/27134",
                    "reference": "CVE-2017-6074",
                    "vendor": {
                        "name": "0day.today"
                    "name": "Tenable Appliance 3.5 - 4.4.0, and possibly prior versions, contains a flaw in the simpleupload.py script in the Web UI. Through the manipulation of the tns_appliance_session_user parameter, a remote attacker can inject arbitrary commands.",
                    "insertDate": 1685404802000,
                    "firstSeen": 1492732800000,
                    "link": "https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/41892/",
                    "reference": "CVE-2017-8051",
                    "vendor": {
                        "name": "nvd"
                    "name": "Tenable Appliance < 4.5 - Root Remote Code Execution",
                    "insertDate": 1685404802000,
                    "firstSeen": 1492473600000,
                    "link": "https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/41892",
                    "reference": "CVE-2017-8051",
                    "vendor": {
                        "name": "exploitdb"
                    "name": "toanthang1842002/CVE-2017-6074 exploit repository",
                    "insertDate": 1689717601000,
                    "firstSeen": 1689379200000,
                    "link": "https://github.com/toanthang1842002/CVE-2017-6074",
                    "reference": "CVE-2017-6074",
                    "vendor": {
                        "name": "github-exploits"
            "threatIntel": {
                "activeAttacks": true,
                "publicExploit": true,
                "highLateralMovement": true,
                "easyExploit": true,
                "highDataLoss": true,
                "denialOfService": true,
                "malware": true,
                "publicExploitNames": [
                    "Linux Kernel 4.4.0 (Ubuntu) - DCCP Double-Free (PoC) - The Exploit-DB Ref : 41457",
                    "Linux Kernel 4.4.0 (Ubuntu) - DCCP Double-Free Privilege Escalation - The Exploit-DB Ref : 41458",
                    "Tenable Appliance < 4.5 - Root Remote Code Execution - The Exploit-DB Ref : 41892",
                    "Linux Kernel DCCP_PKT_REQUEST Privilege Escalation Exploit - Core Security Category : Exploits/Local"
                "malwareNames": [
                "exploitKitNames": []
            "malwares": [
                    "name": "CVE-2017-6074",
                    "platform": "Linux",
                    "type": "Exploit",
                    "firstSeen": 1532048192000,
                    "vendor": {
                        "name": "ReversingLabs",
                        "link": "https://www.reversinglabs.com"
                    "name": "CVE-2017-7308",
                    "platform": "Linux",
                    "type": "Exploit",
                    "firstSeen": 1610837068000,
                    "vendor": {
                        "name": "ReversingLabs",
                        "link": "https://www.reversinglabs.com"
            "title": "Tenable Appliance Multiple Security Vulnerabilities",
            "patchAvailable": true,
            "cveIds": [
            "vendorRefs": [
            "vendorRefDetails": [
                    "vendorRef": "tns-2017-07",
                    "url": "http://www.tenable.com/security/tns-2017-07",
                    "urlID": 33459,
                    "lastModified": 1493766006000
            "bugTraqIds": [
            "cvssInfo": {
                "baseScore": "10",
                "temporalScore": "8.3",
                "accessVector": "Network"
            "cvss3Info": {
                "baseScore": "9.8",
                "temporalScore": "9.1"
            "compliances": [],
            "supportedBy": [
            "vendors": [
                    "vendorName": "linux",
                    "productName": "linux_kernel"
                    "vendorName": "tenable",
                    "productName": "nessus"
                    "vendorName": "tenable",
                    "productName": "appliance"
            "qidProperties": [
    "count": 50,
    "nextPage": [