Update a List

Updates a list of QIDs. 


Input ParametersInput Parameters

Parameter Mandatory/Optional Data Type Description
listId Mandatory string Specify the ID/UUID of the list you want to update.
name Mandatory string Specify a name for the list.
listType Mandatory string

Specify the type of list.

Valid values are STATIC, and DYNAMIC.

dynamicFilter Mandatory string

Applicable only if the listType is "DYNAMIC".

Specify to filter QIDs using QQL tokens.

scope Mandatory string Specify the scope of the list. Currently, the only valid value is VULNERABILITY.
qidsToBeAdded Mandatory string

Applicable only if the listType is "STATIC".

Specify the QIDs to be added to the list. If the QIDs are specified, the "qidsAdditionFilter" parameter is ignored.

qidsAdditionFilter Mandatory string

Applicable only if the listType is "STATIC".

Specify a filter query to select QIDs.

Sample: Update a Vulnerability ListSample: Update a Vulnerability List

API Request (For updating a Static list)

curl -X "POST"
-H "accept: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer <token>"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-d "{
    "name": "test002_list",
    "listType": "STATIC",
    "scope": "VULNERABILITY",
    "qidsToBeAdded": [
    "qidsAdditionFilter": null

API Request (For updating a Dynamic list)

curl -X "POST"
-H "accept: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer <token>"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-d "{
    "name": "test002_list",
    "listType": "DYNAMIC",
    "scope": "VULNERABILITY"


    "listUuid": "43bcefbf-74cd-4d67-9b87-f3f4284d8cce"