Update Vulnerabilities Associated with a List

Updates the list of vulnerabilities/QIDs associated with a list.


Input ParametersInput Parameters

Parameter Mandatory/Optional Data Type Description
listId Mandatory string Specify the ID/UUID of the list.
qidsAdditionFilter Mandatory string Specify a filter to add QIDs to the list.
qidsRemovalFilter Mandatory string Specify a filter to remove QIDs from the list.
qidsToBeAdded Mandatory string Specify the QIDs to be added to the list.
qidsToBeRemoved Mandatory string Specify the QIDs to be removed from the list.

If QIDs are specified in "qidsToBeAdded" and "qidsToBeRemoved", the "qidsAdditionFilter" and "qidsRemovalFilter" parameters are ignored.

Sample: Update QIDs Associated with a ListSample: Update QIDs Associated with a List

API Request

curl -X "PUT"
-H "accept: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer <token>"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-d "{
    "qidsAdditionFilter": null,
    "qidsRemovalFilter": null,
    "qidsToBeAdded": [
    "qidsToBeRemoved": [


Response code 200