Fetch a List Secret Detectors

Shows a list of secret detectors in your account.


Input ParametersInput Parameters

Parameter Mandatory/Optional Data Type Description
filter Optional string Filter the secret detectors by providing a QQL search query.
pageNumber Optional integer Specify the page to be returned.
pageSize Optional integer Specify the number of records to be included in the response.
sort Optional string Specify how you want to organize the results using sortable tokens For example, created:desc. Available values are asc and desc.

Sample: Fetch a List of Secret DetectorsSample: Fetch a List of Secret Detectors

API Request

curl -X "GET"
-H "accept: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer <token>"


    "data": [
            "ruleUuid": "ff34aaee-e4c2-11ed-b5ea-0242ac120002",
            "type": "system",
            "category": "PublicKey",
            "severity": "HIGH",
            "secretDetector": "SSH public key DSA",
            "status": "Active",
            "created": "1682576371399", 
            "updated": "1682576371399",
            "createdBy": "system",
            "updatedBy": "system"
            "ruleUuid": "9559ac14-e4c2-11ed-b5ea-0242ac120002",
            "type": "system",
            "category": "PublicKey",
            "severity": "HIGH",
            "secretDetector": "SSH public key RSA",
            "status": "Active",
            "created": "1682576371290", 
            "updated": "1682576371290",
            "createdBy": "system",
            "updatedBy": "system"
            "ruleUuid": "02e9a634-c96c-11ed-afa1-0242ac120002",
            "type": "system",
            "category": "Typeform",
            "severity": "LOW",
            "secretDetector": "Typeform API Token",
            "status": "Active",
            "created": "1681987259554", 
            "updated": "1681987259554",
            "createdBy": "system",
            "updatedBy": "system"
            "ruleUuid": "dddeeb1a-c96b-11ed-afa1-0242ac120002",
            "type": "system",
            "category": "Twitch",
            "severity": "LOW",
            "secretDetector": "Twitch API Token",
            "status": "Active",
            "created": "1681987259520", 
            "updated": "1681987259520",
            "createdBy": "system",
            "updatedBy": "system"
            "ruleUuid": "d68b44e4-c96b-11ed-afa1-0242ac120002",
            "type": "system",
            "category": "LinkedIn",
            "severity": "LOW",
            "secretDetector": "LinkedIn Client Id",
            "status": "Active",
            "created": "1681987259478", 
            "updated": "1681987259478",
            "createdBy": "system",
            "updatedBy": "system"
            "ruleUuid": "abea5478-c96b-11ed-afa1-0242ac120002",
            "type": "system",
            "category": "LinkedIn",
            "severity": "LOW",
            "secretDetector": "LinkedIn Client Secret",
            "status": "Active",
            "created": "1681987259448", 
            "updated": "1681987259448",
            "createdBy": "system",
            "updatedBy": "system"
            "ruleUuid": "920f95cc-c96b-11ed-afa1-0242ac120002",
            "type": "system",
            "category": "Shippo",
            "severity": "LOW",
            "secretDetector": "Shippo API Token",
            "status": "Active",
            "created": "1681987259408", 
            "updated": "1681987259408",
            "createdBy": "system",
            "updatedBy": "system"
            "ruleUuid": "7b2123f8-c96b-11ed-afa1-0242ac120002",
            "type": "system",
            "category": "Sendinblue",
            "severity": "LOW",
            "secretDetector": "Sendinblue API Token",
            "status": "Active",
            "created": "1681987259372", 
            "updated": "1681987259372",
            "createdBy": "system",
            "updatedBy": "system"
    "count": 85,
    "groups": {}