Create a Report Schedule

Creates a new schedule to automatically generate a report on a regular basis. Generating reports regularly helps you monitor vulnerabilities in your container environment in real-time and ensure they are being remediated in a timely manner.

You can create daily, weekly, or monthly recurring schedules.


Input ParametersInput Parameters

Parameter Mandatory/Optional Data Type Description
name Mandatory string Specify a title for your report (maximum up to 150 characters). 
description Optional string Specify a description for your report (maximum up to 250 characters).
filter Optional string

Specify the columns to include in the report. Multiple columns should be comma-separated.

For example, "repo, "uuid", "qid"

displayColumns Mandatory string

Specify the columns to include in the report. Multiple columns should be comma-separated.

When unspecified, all report columns will be included. When an empty value is provided, only default columns will be included.

templateName Mandatory string

Specify the template for the report.

The valid values are:

expireAfter Mandatory string

Specify a time period after which the report expires and gets deleted from your account.

The valid values are (days): 1, 7, 30, or 90.

eventEndTime Mandatory string

Specify the end date and time for the schedule.

Time must be in UTC.

action Mandatory string

Specify the action to perform on the schedule. 

Currently, the valid value is CREATE.

eventTime Mandatory string

Specify the start date and time for the schedule. For example, 2023-02-16T19:30:00Z.

Time must be in UTC.

reportScheduleDetails Mandatory  

Specify the below parameters to define a schedule.

Specify null if you do not want to create a recurrent report schedule. In that case, the report is triggered for only once (on the time specified in eventTime).

recurrenceType Mandatory string Specify the recurrence frequency as DAILY or WEEKLY or MONTHLY.
selectedDayOfWeeks Mandatory string

Specify a day on which the report is triggered every week.

This parameter is valid only if the recurrenceType is WEEKLY.

The valid values are the names of days.
Specify null if this parameter is not applicable.

monthlyType Mandatory string

Specify DAY_OF_WEEK to select the day from a particular week of a month or DAY_OF_MONTH to select a day from a month.

This parameter is valid only when the recurrenceType is MONTHLY.

Specify null if this parameter is not applicable.

ordinalDayOfMonth Mandatory integer

Specify a day of the month.

This parameter is valid only when the monthlyType is DAY_OF_MONTH.

The valid values are from 1 to 31.
Specify null if this parameter is not applicable.

dayOfWeek Mandatory string

Specify a day of the week. For example, MONDAY.

This parameter is valid only when the monthlyType is DAY_OF_WEEK.

The valid values are the names of days.

Specify null if this parameter is not applicable.

ordinalDayOfWeek Mandatory integer

Specify the number of week in a month.

This parameter is valid only when the monthlyType is DAY_OF_WEEK.

The valid values are 1, 2, 3, or 4.

Specify null if this parameter is not applicable.

Sample 1: Create a Daily Report ScheduleSample 1: Create a Daily Report Schedule

API Request

curl -X POST
-H "accept: application/*"
-H "Authorization: Bearer <token>"

Request Body

  "name": "CRS-TEST-15",
  "description": "",
  "templateName": "CS_IMAGE_VULNERABILITY",
  "expireAfter": "30",
  "format": "csv",
  "reportScheduleDetails": {
    "recurrenceType": "DAILY",
    "selectedDayOfWeeks": null,
    "monthlyType": null,
    "ordinalDayOfMonth": null,
    "dayOfWeek": null,
    "ordinalDayOfWeek": null
  "displayColumns": [
  "eventEndTime": "2023-03-25T22:30:00Z",
  "action": "CREATE",
  "eventTime": "2023-02-16T19:30:00Z"


  "reportUuid": "620a2490-c3cc-11ed-bf38-5563a478dc98"

Sample 2: Create a Weekly Report ScheduleSample 2: Create a Weekly Report Schedule

API Request

curl -X POST
-H "accept: application/*"
-H "Authorization: Bearer <token>"

Request Body

  "name": "CRS-TEST-15",
  "description": "",
  "templateName": "CS_IMAGE_VULNERABILITY",
  "expireAfter": "30",
  "format": "csv",
  "reportScheduleDetails": {
    "recurrenceType": "WEEKLY",
    "selectedDayOfWeeks": "MONDAY",
    "monthlyType": null,
    "ordinalDayOfMonth": null,
    "dayOfWeek": null,
    "ordinalDayOfWeek": null
  "displayColumns": [
  "eventEndTime": "2023-03-25T22:30:00Z",
  "action": "CREATE",
  "eventTime": "2023-02-16T19:30:00Z"


  "reportUuid": "620a2490-c3cc-11ed-bf38-5563a478dc98"

Sample 3: Create a Monthly Schedule by Specifying a Day of a MonthSample 3: Create a Monthly Schedule by Specifying a Day of a Month

API Request

curl -X POST
-H "accept: application/*"
-H "Authorization: Bearer <token>"

Request Body

  "name": "CRS-TEST-15",
  "description": "",
  "templateName": "CS_IMAGE_VULNERABILITY",
  "expireAfter": "30",
  "format": "csv",
  "reportScheduleDetails": {
    "recurrenceType": "MONTHLY",
    "selectedDayOfWeeks": null,
    "monthlyType": "DAY_OF_MONTH",
    "ordinalDayOfMonth": 11,
    "dayOfWeek": null,
    "ordinalDayOfWeek": null
  "displayColumns": [
  "eventEndTime": "2023-03-25T22:30:00Z",
  "action": "CREATE",
  "eventTime": "2023-02-16T19:30:00Z"


  "reportUuid": "620a2490-c3cc-11ed-bf38-5563a478dc98"

Sample 4: Create a Monthly Schedule by Specifying a Day of a WeekSample 4: Create a Monthly Schedule by Specifying a Day of a Week

API Request

curl -X POST
-H "accept: application/*"
-H "Authorization: Bearer <token>"

Request Body

  "name": "CRS-TEST-15",
  "description": "",
  "templateName": "CS_IMAGE_VULNERABILITY",
  "expireAfter": "90",
  "format": "csv",
  "reportScheduleDetails": {
    "recurrenceType": "MONTHLY",
    "selectedDayOfWeeks": null,
    "monthlyType": "DAY_OF_WEEK",
    "ordinalDayOfMonth": null,
    "dayOfWeek": "SUNDAY",
    "ordinalDayOfWeek": 4
  "displayColumns": [
  "eventEndTime": "2023-03-25T22:30:00Z",
  "action": "CREATE",
  "eventTime": "2023-02-16T19:30:00Z"


  "reportUuid": "620a2490-c3cc-11ed-bf38-5563a478dc98"