General Configurations

Go to Configurations > General to access various configuration options such as data retention policy, default landing page, sensors and sensor profiles, and integrations.

Data Retention Policy

Customize the data retention policy for Container Security. The data, that is the records of sensors, containers, and images, are purged as per the defined policy. To access the data retention policy options, your role must have the CS Data Retention Policy Permissions assigned.

If you do not turn on the Data Retention Policy toggle, the default retention policy of 13 months is applied.

You can customize the following options:

You can select 1 week, 1 month, 6 months, or 1 year as the time period for the policy.

Miscellaneous Settings

The miscellaneous settings cover your default product landing page, asset landing page and User scope settings.

Default Product Landing Page Setup

Select a default landing page for Container Security. This page appears as the first screen every time you log in to Container Security. You can choose either the HOME or DASHBOARD page as your default landing page.

Default Asset Landing Page Setup

By default, Images is considered as the default screen when you click on Assets.
You can change this setting and make either Hosts, or Container, or Registries to be your default screen for your Assets page. 

Enable User Scope Settings

This option is available only to Admins. Admin can enable user scope settings with the help of this to restrict sub-users access to certain assets. They can achieve this control using a set of tags. Sub-users can only see the assets which are in their scope. Any asset which is beyond their scope will not be visible to them. These assets include images and containers. To know more, refer to the Users and Permissions section.