Software Category Type: Other

The table below is the representation of categories mentioned as other for installed software along with their descriptions.

Other Category Description
Utilities Independent programs that are packaged as part of the main product designed to assist in tasks outside of the main product
Qualys Utilities Tools and packages meant for internal use at Qualys
SAP Utilities, Libraries and Plugins SAP Utilities
Device Drivers Computer program that operates or controls a particular type of device
Firmware Software that is embedded in a piece of hardware
Font Software Software to install desktop fonts
Keyboard Tools Software to change/modify keyboard properties
Part of Linux Distribution Included in default installation of Linux distributions such as CentOS, Red Hat, Ubuntu etc.
Part of Mac Distribution Included in default installation of Mac
Python Utilities and Libraries Libraries and utilities packaged with Python install
Security Updates Software to fix a security vulnerability
Updates Software to update an existing installation includes fixes to bugs but does not include service packs
Perl Utilities and Libraries Libraries and utilities packaged with Perl install
Plugins Software component that adds a specific feature to an existing computer program
Private If discovered data reflects customer specific info (customer name, address etc.)
Setup Software Software to setup a program on a computer
Insufficient Information When discovered data contains only the manufacturer name, but no software name or version information
Potentially Unwanted/Malicious Program PUP (potentially unwanted program) such as spyware, adware, dialers etc. which gets downloaded/installed with other software.
Hotfix A software update designed to fix a bug or security hole in a program. Unlike a typical version update, a hotfix is urgently developed and released as soon as possible to limit the effects of the software issue.
Installers/Uninstallers Software that installs or uninstalls a program on a computer
Part of UNIX Distribution Unix distribution
Knowledgebase Repository that stores information on usage and troubleshooting a product
System Processes for Mobile Devices These processes run as default/system services/processes in mobile devices.
Part of Mobile OS Distribution These are software installed as a part of Android/iOS distribution and are unavailable for install separately on other OS.
Pre-installed Mobile Device Software These are default apps that come along with all the Mobile OS e.g. Clock, Calendar, Camera, Alarm etc.
Ruby Utilities and Libraries Libraries and utilities packaged with Python install
Helper Packages Documentation related packages
Language Packs Set of files, commonly downloaded over the Internet, that when installed enables the user to interact with an application in a language other than the one in which the application was initially created.
Library Packages Reusable code that can be used across programs
PHP Utilities and Libraries Libraries and utilities packaged with PHP install
Erlang Utilities and Libraries Libraries and utilities packaged with Erlang install
Part of Windows Distribution Included in default installation of Windows