EDR Onboarding Known Issues for Linux

Following are the Known Issues when you onboard Qualys Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) for Linux:-

  • For the rpm based system, the Malware Protection package is not removed when we uninstall Cloud Agent from the Cloud Agent User Interface (CAUI) application.

  • After uninstallation of Malware Protection, some files might still be present in /usr/local/qualys/cloud-agent/epp/engine/bin

    • Workaround: Execute /usr/local/qualys/cloud-agent/epp/engine/bin/uninstall

  • During the Malware Protection installation process, the installation process might be impacted if the agent restarts.

    • Workaround: Disable and enable EDR from the Configuration Profile of the Cloud Agent application.

  • The downloads retry count is 10. The download retry count can reach 10 because of a missing Linux tag in the EPP_INSTALL manifest, download failure, or any other reason. 

    • Workaround: Restart the agent to reset the count to 0.