Exclusion Support

The inputs for File Exclusions, Behavioral Scan Exclusions, Traffic Scan Exclusions, Anti-Phishing Exclusions, and Device Control Exclusions are listed in the Configuration tab under the Anti-Malware Profile tab. Toggle the exclusion type to exclude it from the scan.

Objects in Exclusions

The exclusion has any of the following object types:

  • File: Specify only the specific filename. 

  • Extension: Specify the objects that have the specified extension.

     File extensions are case-sensitive, and files with the same name but different extensions are considered distinct objects. For example, file.txt is different from file .TXT.

  • Folder: Specify all files and processes within the specified folder and all its sub-folders.

  • Process: Objects accessed by the excluded process.

  • File Hash: The file with the specified SHA-256 hash format.

  • Certificate Hash: All the Windows applications and PowerShell scripts under the specified certificate hash, Thumbprint in SHA-1 and SHA-2 format.

  • Threat Name: Objects having a detection name. This is not available for Linux operating systems.

  • Command Line: Available only for Windows.

  • IP: Specify the IP addresses (0-255 format) for which inbound and outbound traffic will be excluded from scanning.

Sample JSON

File Scan Exclusion .JSON

    "fileexclusion": {
        "ondemand": {
            "file": [
            "folder": [
            "extension": [
                " "
            "sha256": [
            "thumbprint": [
            "threatname": [
                "trojan horse"
        "onaccess": {
            "file": [
            "folder": [
            "extension": [
            "process": [
            "cmdline": [
            "sha256": [
            "thumbprint": [
            "threatname": [
                "trojan horse"

Behavioral Scan Exclusion .JSON


    "behaviour": {

        "folder": [





        "process": [




        "cmdline": [



        "sha256": [    "746dxxxx3a0b0xxxxxxxxbc5cbe5b9d48dxxxxxxxeeedf8be6c8b34b5"


        "threatname": [





Network Protection Exclusion .JSON


    "networkProtection": {

        "ip": [



        "url": [



        "app": [





File Scan Exclusions

Enable the File Exclusions toggle and select the Type from the drop-down to exclude the File Exclusion types. Select the option from the Modules drop-down to exclude the type from the On Demand or On Access scan.

In the following File Exclusions screenshot, the `exe` Extension is excluded for On Demand and On Access scans:

Example screenshot of File Exclision.

For the Type cmdline, copy the Arguments and the Full Path from the Parent Process section of the Event Details under the Events tab. The copied Arguments and Full Path should be pasted in the Command Line to be Executed field. The following screenshot is an example of the Type cmdline:

The following table lists the information of each Type that can be excluded using the File Exclusions option:

Type Value Description Expandable Variable Support Wildcard Support Examples


the absolute path of the file

excludes from the scanning a specific file





the absolute path of the folder

excludes from the scanning a particular folder and its content recursively





the extension name

excludes from scanning all files that have a specific extension




process (only for OnAccess Scan)

the absolute file path of an executable file

excludes from the scanning a process by its path




cmdline (only for OnAccess Scan)

the absolute path file path of an executable file followed by the arguments

excludes from scanning a process by its command line. Use this exclusion to avoid detections when the process is started with this command line



c:\test.exe param1 param2


the sha256 hash value of the file

excludes a file using its sha256 hash. The exclusion is evaluated after detection has occurred and, thus, should not be used for performance reason





the hash of the certificate with which the file is signed with

excludes a file using the certificates' thumbprint. The exclusion is evaluated after detection has occurred. It thus should not be used for performance reason





the threatName reported in a previous detection

excludes a file using the name of the threat reported in earlier detection. The exclusion is evaluated after detection and thus should not be used for performance reason




Behavioral Scan Exclusions

To exclude the Behavioral Scan Exclusion types, enable the Behavioral Scan Exclusions toggle and select the Type from the drop-down. Alternatively, you can upload a .JSON file up to 2 MB.

In the following Behavioral Scan Exclusion screenshot, the `chrome.exe` Extension as the Process type is excluded:

The following table lists the information of each Type that can be excluded using the Behavioral Scan Exclusions: 

Type Value Description Expandable Variable Support Wildcard Support Examples


the absolute path of the folder

excludes from monitoring every process that has the image path located in the folder specified (or sub-folder recursively)





the absolute path of the executable folder

excludes from monitoring the process with this image path





the absolute file path of an executable file followed by the arguments

excludes from monitoring the process if started with this command line



C:\app.exe param1


the sha256 hash value of the file

excludes from monitoring the process with this hash of its image file





the threatName reported in a previous code-buffers detection

ignores the remediation actions if a code-buffer detection has this threat name




Network Protection Exclusion

To exclude the Network Protection Exclusion types, enable the Network Protection Exclusion toggle and select the Type from the drop-down. In the following Network Protection Exclusion screenshot, the `10.x.x.x` IP Address as the Process type is excluded:

Type Description Wildcard Support Examples

IP Address

the list of the remote IP  and IP/MASK addresses.




the list of URLs




the list of host application names, excluding the path



If you are using Qualys IP Scanner, add it to the allowed list of the Network Scan Exclusions and add the IP address in the IP type. 

Web Access Control Exclusion

Toggle the Web Access Control Exclusion to allow or block any websites. Perform the following steps to create Web Access Control Exclusion:

  1. In the Web Address text field, enter the URL. To allow or block websites, including all its domain, you use the wildcard character *. For example, you can add the URL www.amazon to block Amazon and all its locales.*
  2. In the Actions drop-down menu, select Allow or Block.
  3. Click Add.

    The following screenshot is an example of Web Access Control Exclusion that displays a block and allow websites:

    Web Access Control Exclusion.

Device Control Exclusions

Toggle the Device Control Exclusions from the Exclusions option. Perform the following steps to create Device Control Exclusions:

  1. Click Add New Exclusion to exclude the device.
  2. In the Create Exclusion window, provide the details in the mandatory fields.
  3. Choose Rule Mode as Manual or Auto.
    • Manual Rule Mode: Enter the list of Device IDs.
    • Auto Rule Mode: Click the add icon to select Device Id or Product Id. and select the Device Id or Product Id. Click Search. Click Add to include the devices. All the added devices will be listed in the Exclusions.

    The following screenshot displays the Device Control Exclusion window:

    Device Control Support exclusion window

    If you select Product ID, all devices with the same Product ID will be excluded. 

  4. Choose to Allow or Block the specified devices.
  5. Click Create.

    The following screenshot displays the list of exclusions based on Device Id, Product Id, or Product Name:

    List of exclusions in the Exclusion step of Anti-Malware Profile Configuration.