Generating Automated EASM Summary Report

From the External Attack Surface (EASM) Summary report, you get an insight into the risk of internet-facing assets, cloud instances with risk, top risky domains, subdomains, open ports, and so on. This insight enables you to secure your internet-facing assets using other Qualys products, such as Vulnerability Management, Detection and Response (VMDR), and Web Application Scanning (WAS).

As it's available on a request basis, contact your Technical Account Manager (TAM) if you want to generate the EASM summary report. Then the CSAM trial and EASM are activated for you, and you can complete the required steps to generate the EASM summary report.

Generating Automated EASM Summary Report

A user with the super user role can generate the EASM Summary Report.

Complete the following steps to generate the external attack surface summary report:

1.  Click Generate Report from the Dashboard tab or the notification received.

Generate report.

2.  Click Generate a Report from the "External Attack Surface Management Report" page.

Generate EASM report.

-  This is only a one-time process. After you click Generate a Report and complete all the steps, the EASM summary report is generated for you. After that, the Generate a Report is not shown again.

- As part of the EASM summary report generation workflow, EASM gets activated for you, the default EASM profile is configured, and EASM discovery starts after the sync is triggered. After the sync is completed, the EASM summary report gets auto-generated. You can download the report then.

-  When you click the View Organization List or View Primary Domain List link, you can see the respective details from the "Organizations And Primary Domains" popup.

3. Click Ok from the Success message.

EASM summary report generation successful message.

You can download the report from the CSAM UI after it's ready. For more information, see Downloading EASM Summary Report