Get Details of an Integration

When you want to get details of a particular AWS S3 bucket integration, you can fetch the configuration and integration details using the unique integration identifier (id) of the AWS S3 integration. You can fetch the configuration and integration details with or without the unique integration identifier (id) of the AWS S3 bucket integration.

GET /partner-integration/aws/s3/pc

GET /partner-integration/aws/s3/{id}/pc


API Request

"curl -X GET""<qualys_base_url>/partner-integration/aws/s3/{id}/pc""-H""Authorization: Bearer <token>"	  

If you don't know the integration ID, use the following request to fetch details without it.

API Request Without Integration ID

"curl -X GET""<qualys_base_url>/partner-integration/aws/s3/pc""-H""Authorization: Bearer <token>"	  


   "name":"Customer Name or integration name",

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Delete Integration