Create Amazon Security Hub Integration

POST /partner-integration/aws/security-hub

The first step towards the integration is creation of Amazon Security Hub integration. To create the Amazon Security Hub integration, you need to provide an unique name for integration in the API request body. Once you create the Amazon Security Hub integration, the response provides an unique integration identifier (id) for the Amazon Security Hub.

Input Parameters Input Parameters 

The following consists the input parameters details. 

Parameter Mandatory/Optional Data Type Description

name= {value}

Mandatory Text

Provide a unique name for the integration in the API request. The maximum length allowed for name is 50 characters.


Optional Boolean

Set to true to receive ProActive alert notifications.


Optional Boolean

When sendAlerts is set to true, provide the email list for ProActive Alert notifications. Add upto aList of maximum 5 email addresses as comma-separated values.

Create Amazon Security Hub IntegrationCreate Amazon Security Hub Integration

API request

"curl -X POST --header""Content-Type:application/json""<qualys_gateway_url>/partner-integration/aws/security-hub""--data""@integration.json""-H""Authorization: Bearer <token>"

'integration.json' contains the request POST data.

Request POST Data (integration.json)

   "name":"Demo Integration Name""sendAlerts":true,
   " ""errorEmails":" "[
      "<email address 1>",
      " ""<email address 2>"
}"JSON output":{

Next Step

Configure Amazon Security Hub Integration