Create Storage Account

You need to create a separate account on Azure Storage Blob console, and then create a storage account and a container. Once you create a container, you can use the container details during the integration.


Following are the prerequisites for creating Storage account:

  • Allowed services: Blob
  • Allowed resource type: Object
  • Allowed permissions: Read, Write and List
  • Select start and expiry date time as per your requirement
  • Allowed protocol: Only HTTPS

Create Account

  1. Log in to Azure portal ( and search for Storage accounts in the search bar.

    Azure home page

  2. Click Add and then create a storage account with a unique name.
    From the Account kind drop-down, select BlobStorage

    Storage account creation

  3. Specify the following configuration and click Review + create to create the storage account:
    • Secure transfer required: Enabled
    • Allow Blob public access: Disabled
    • Minimum TLS: 1.2

      Storage account configuration

  4. Once you create a storage account, create a container with suitable name such as qualys-vm-findings.

    Note down the container name. It is required during the integration process.

    Creation of a container for Qualys data

  5. Generate the connection string/shared access signature by specifying the relevant details.

    Click Generate the SAS and Connection String.

    If the connection string expires, generate a new SAS and connection string, and update the same with Qualys. With expired SAS token, Qualys is not able to post the findings.

    You can also locate the connection string in the Access Keys section.

    Access keys

    You can also modify Firewalls and virtual networks for enhanced security to allow only Qualys source IP to access the storage account.

    Firewall and virtual networks settings

    The Qualys source IP addresses that you could allow access to the Storage account are listed in the following table:


    IP Address

    US POD 1

    US POD 2

    US POD 3

    EU POD 1

    EU POD 2

    CA POD

    India POD