Get Started with CMDB Sync App
Release V2.7.0
The Qualys CMDB Sync App v2.7.0 for Configuration Management Database (CMDB) automatically synchronizes comprehensive information about your global IT resources that Qualys Asset Inventory continuously monitors. This leverages Qualys’s highly distributed and scalable cloud platform and various data collection tools, including Qualys’s groundbreaking Cloud Agents, to compile and continually update a full inventory of your IT assets everywhere: on-premises, in elastic clouds, and mobile endpoints.
Key Features
The following are the key features of CMDB Sync App:
Support for third-party asset import using Asset Identification Service (Beta).
For CIs already present in the Qualys platform, you can enrich the information in Qualys with Asset and Business Metadata and create Dynamic tags based on the business information.
Using the ServiceNowtoQualys schedule option, you can export missing CIs/IPs into the Qualys subscription.
Asset information is automatically enriched with additional contexts, such as life cycle, date, support stage, and license category.
Asset metadata can be synchronized for assets that already exist in both.
Optionally, asset information is staged for user approval before being written to CMDB.
Support for multiple Qualys accounts/API sources.
Synchronization schedules can be configured and saved.
Preconfigured table transform maps for open ports, assets, network interfaces, software, processors, and volumes.
Preconfigured reports and dashboards.
Preconfigured CI Class Manager that pre-populates the sourcedestination field mappings and allows you to create your own ones for CI Class.
Support for Cloud Data (metadata) synchronization for Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform cloud providers till staging area.
The SSL certificate information can be synced to ServiceNow for the assets imported from Qualys.
You must have a valid Qualys account subscription with API Access and access to the following modules:
Qualys Subscription with CyberSecurity Asset Management (Qualys to ServiceNow Sync)
Asset Inventory CMDB Sync enabled within your Qualys subscription (Qualys to ServiceNow Sync)
Vulnerability Management (ServiceNow to Qualys Sync)
You need a Qualys account with a Manager role to sync from ServiceNow to Qualys.
The user's role must have the 'Update Asset' permission for the CSAM module. (ServiceNow to Qualys Sync Business Information Sync)
Ensure that the 'Enable ServiceNow integration' option from BO allows business metadata sync in the ServiceNow to Qualys flow.
A Qualys Certificate View subscription is needed to sync SSL certificates from Qualys to ServiceNow.
For ServiceNow to Qualys sync, the user requires specific tagging permissions: Create User Tag, Edit User Tag, Delete User Tag, and Modify Dynamic Tag Rules.