Scan CI/CD Images

Configure the Qualys Container Scanning Connector automatically to tag CI/CD images with 'qualys_scan_target:<image-id>'.

Docker URL: Docker REST API URL / Docker socket path. Only unix:/// and tcp:// protocols allowed.

Cert File Path: If you are using remote server enabled https, you can provide a specific folder location which contains the files ca.pem, cert.pem and key.pem. For example, /var/home/certs.


Docker URLs

The following table shows the (unix socket or TCP) to be used in Various Docker Deployment Scenarios:

Deployment scenario

Sensor location

Docker URL to be used

Job executed by Azure DevOps agent AND

Docker host == Azure DevOps agent

Azure DevOps agent



Job executed by Azure DevOps agent


Docker Host == Remote docker host

(any machine other than Azure DevOps agent)

Remote docker host

TCP path of the Remote Docker host:


For example,


Next Step

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