Users get this information under the Application Configuration > Advanced tab.
Error code |
Meaning |
QRFIM-100 |
The /opt/app-root/store/qradar_fim_app.db is either missing or in read-only mode, as another file must have been updated. In that case, provide permission to write. |
QRFIM-101 |
Not able to connect to the qualys_fim_config table in The /opt/app-root/store/qradar_fim_app.db file, then need to check if the table is available in the DB file. |
QRFIM-102 |
The configuration key value is not available in the qualys_fim_config table. |
QRFIM-103 |
Some error is encountered while adding or updating the qualys_fim_checkpoint table. |
QRFIM-104 |
Some error is encountered while adding or updating the qualys_fim_config table. |
QRFIM-105 |
Some error is encountered while getting the data from the qualys_fim_checkpoint table. |
QRFIM-106 |
Some error is encountered while adding or updating the qualys_fim_job_status table. |
QRFIM-200 |
To make the REST API call to QRadar, we use HTTP headers. Some issues are encountered in creating the headers. check the job logs. |
QRFIM-201 |
While making the QRadar REST API call, we encountered an unparsable error. Check the job logs. |
QRFIM-202 |
We did not find the 'Qualys FIM JSON' Log source Type in the DSM Editor. reinstall the app. |
QRFIM-203 |
We did not find the 'QualysFimMultiline' Log source Type in the DSM Editor. create a log source or reinstall the app. |
QRFIM-204 |
We could not connect with the QRadar REST API server. check with IBM support. If there is an issue with the QRadar host machine. |
QRFIM-205 |
While fetching the Log source information we encountered an error check the job logs. |
QRFIM-206 |
Update a correct QRadar Auth token on the Qualys FIM app settings page. |
QRFIM-207 |
Got an error from QRadar REST API. contact IBM support. |
QRFIM-208 |
No Log source information is available in QRadar for a selected Log Source ID. |
QRFIM-209 |
We encountered an error while validating the Qradar related settings before starting the job process. check the job logs for more information. |
QRFIM-210 |
Connection with QRadar host machine over socket is lost. check if the DSM PORT is open on the QRadar host machine. Restart the job process. |
QRFIM-211 |
Could not connect with QRadar host machine over the socket. check if the DSM PORT is open on the QRadar host machine. |
QRFIM-212 |
We encountered an exception while trying a socket connection to QRadar. check the job logs for more information. |
QRFIM-213 |
Events and Incidents Listen port does not match. |
QRFIM-214 |
FIM log source is not configured correctly. provide proper log source identifier and listen port. |
QRFIM-300 |
There is some error with the saved Qualys JWT Auth token. However, do not worry we generate a new token. |
QRFIM-301 |
Could not get Qualys JWT Auth token. check job logs for more information. |
QRFIM-302 |
We were not able to get a valid response from Qualys API. check the job logs. |
QRFIM-303 |
Qualys REST API concurrency limit reached. We can retry to fetch the data. If you need to improve the job process speed, increase the concurrency limit for your account. |
QRFIM-304 |
You are unauthorized to make Qualys JWT Auth token call. check with Qualys support for more information. |
QRFIM-305 |
Saved Qualys JWT Auth token is expired. Do not worry. We generate a new token. |
QRFIM-306 |
We got an unexpected response while getting Qualys JWT Auth token. However, do not worry we generate a new token. |
QRFIM-307 |
Invalid Qualys POD details provided. provide the correct information. |
QRFIM-308 |
Check if Qualys POD credentials are correct. |
QRFIM-309 |
Socket error during Qualys REST API request. check with Qualys support for more information. |
QRFIM-310 |
Unknown exception during Qualys REST API request. Check the job logs. |
QRFIM-311 |
Server URL or Username or Password should not be empty. Update them from the app settings page. |
QRFIM-312 |
Exception while validating the Start Date for the Job. provide the Date-Time format as YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM: SS.msZ & greater than 2017-01-01T00:00:00.000Z. |
QRFIM-313 |
Invalid Start Date for Job. provide the Date-Time format as YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM: SS.msZ & greater than 2017-01-01T00:00:00.000Z. |
QRFIM-314 |
We encountered an exception while validating the Qualys app configuration. Check the job logs. |
QRFIM-315 |
An invalid proxy is provided on the app settings page. validate if the proxy details provided are valid. |
QRFIM-316 |
Got None in the API response. Qualys JWT AuthorizationToken not received. Check with Qualys support to see if the POD details are correct and authorized for FIM API. |
QRFIM-317 |
There was an ambiguous exception that occurred while handling your API request. |
QRFIM-318 |
Got Connection error while API request. |
QRFIM-319 |
API request timeout reached. Retry once. |
QRFIM-320 |
Received 401 unauthorized from JWT Authorizationtoken API response. |
QRFIM-321 |
Received 403 forbidden from JWT Authorizationtoken API response. |
QRFIM-400 |
We did not get any count from Qualys API for your POD. There is no new event in the subscription. |
QRFIM-401 |
We found some errors in the JSON data we received from Qualys API. check the job logs and the JSON file for the API request for more information. |
QRFIM-402 |
Could not get the FIM data from Qualys REST API for the job. |
QRFIM-403 |
Not able to parse the incomplete JSON data in the file. |
QRFIM-500 |
Check the job logs for more information on which database file is required to run the job. |
QRFIM-501 |
Log source not selected. select a valid Log source on the app settings page. |
QRFIM-502 |
We were not able to decrypt the proxy password. check with Qualys Support. |
QRFIM-503 |
Provide a valid proxy host on the app settings page. |
QRFIM-504 |
We were not able to decrypt the API password. check with Qualys Support. |
QRFIM-505 |
Due to some exceptions, we cannot rename the Qualys REST API response JSON file. Check job logs for more information. |
QRFIM-506 |
Due to some exceptions, we cannot remove the Qualys REST API response JSON file. Check job logs for more information. |
QRFIM-507 |
Due to some exceptions, we cannot save the Qualys REST API response JSON file. Check job logs for more information. |
QRFIM-508 |
You are trying to run the job which is already running. Do not run another job manually. |
QRFIM-509 |
While cleaning the JSON files we encountered an exception. Check the job logs. |
QRFIM-510 |
FIM Incidents log source not selected. select a valid Log source on the app settings page. |
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