
Install the Extension

The Qualys IaC Security extension can be added as a task in your Build pipeline.

Log in to your Azure DevOps instance to install the extension from the Azure DevOps marketplace.

  1. Click the Picture 5 icon on the upper-right side of the page and click Browse Marketplace. A new browser opens to show you the extensions for Azure DevOps.
  2. Enter Qualys in the search bar to search for all the Qualys extensions.
  3. Click the Qualys IaC Security extension in the extensions list.
  4. Click Get it free. You are navigated to the Visual Studio Marketplace screen.
  5. Select the organization and click Install to install the extension in your Azure DevOps instance.
  6. You can see the extension version in the Installed tab when navigating Organization Settings > Extension.

    Updated extesion

The installation is completed.

 If you have already installed version 1.0.0, the extension is automatically updated to the version 1.1.0.

Next step:

Configure the Extension for Build Pipelines Projects