Install the Extension
The Qualys IaC Security extension can be added as a task in your Build pipeline.
Log in to your Azure DevOps instance to install the extension from the Azure DevOps marketplace.
- Click the icon on the upper-right side of the page and click Browse Marketplace. A new browser opens to show you the extensions for Azure DevOps.
- Enter Qualys in the search bar to search for all the Qualys extensions.
- Click the Qualys IaC Security extension in the extensions list.
- Click Get it free. You are navigated to the Visual Studio Marketplace screen.
- Select the organization and click Install to install the extension in your Azure DevOps instance.
- You can see the extension version in the Installed tab when navigating Organization Settings > Extension.
The installation is completed.
If you have already installed version 1.0.0, the extension is automatically updated to the version 1.1.0.
Next step:
Configure the Extension for Build Pipelines Projects