
Configure Environment Variables

To add new environment variables:

  1.  Go to Manage Jenkins > Manage Credentials on the Jenkins console

    Manage Jenkins

  2. Click any row and go to Add Credentials.
  3. Select the Secret Text option from the Kind drop-down menu and enter the required Secret and ID.

    In the Secret field, add the actual values for URL, username, and password, and in the ID field, add variable names such as QUALYS_URL, QUALYS_USERNAME, and QUALYS_- PASSWORD to identify the secrets. Use these variable names (ID) in the script and not the actual values.

    Secret Field

  4. Click OK.
  5. The newly added credentials appear in the Dashboard > Credentials list.
Variable Description
QUALYS_URLQualys platform URL. To know about your Qualys platform URL, click here.
QUALYS_USERNAME Qualys username
QUALYS_PASSWORD Qualys password


Next step:

Configure Git Repositories