Configure the Plugin for Freestyle Projects

The configuration settings are the same as those for the Pipeline Project. For more details, refer to Configure the Plugin for Pipeline Projects.

Provide the following configuration details:

  1. Provide your login account credentials to access the Qualys WAS API server on the Qualys cloud platform. If your Jenkins server is behind a firewall, select Use Proxy Settings to provide proxy information.
  2. Click Test Connection to verify that the plugin can connect to the Qualys WAS API server.
  3. Provide parameters: web application name, scan name and scan type required to call the launch scan API.
  4. Optional parameters that you can pass to launch scan API.
  5. Build fail conditions by vulnerabilities detected for severity types and QIDs. Provide data collection frequency and timeout duration for the running scan.
  6. Click Save.

    Freestyle Configuration

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