Get Started with Integration for Securing Amazon Web Services with Qualys

Welcome to Qualys Enterprise TruRisk™ Platform and security scanning!

With Qualys Enterprise TruRisk™ Platform, you get a single view of your security and compliance in real-time. If you are new to Qualys, we recommend you visit the Qualys Enterprise TruRisk™ Platform web page to learn more about our cloud platform.


Qualys Support for AWS

Qualys AWS Cloud support provides the following features:


  • Secure EC2 Instances (IaaS) from vulnerabilities and check for regulatory compliance on OS and Applications (Database,
  • Gain continuous security using Cloud Agents and embed them into AMIs to get complete visibility
  • Identify vulnerabilities for public-facing IPs and URLs
  • Secure Applications using Application Scanning and Firewall solutions
  • Vulnerability Scan
  • Supports all AWS global regions, including GovCloud
  • Supports EC2 instances in Classic and VPC platform
  • Qualys Cloud Agents certified to work in EC2

Qualys Sensors

Qualys sensors, a core service of the Qualys Enterprise TruRisk™ Platform, make extending your security throughout your global enterprise easy. These sensors are remotely deployable, centrally managed, and self-updating. They collect the data and automatically beam it up to the Qualys Enterprise TruRisk™ Platform, which has the computing power to continuously analyze and correlate the information to help you identify threats and eliminate vulnerabilities.


These options must be enabled for your Qualys user account.

  • Qualys Applications: Vulnerability Management (VM/VMDR), Policy Compliance (PC) or Security Configuration Assessment (SCA), Cloud Agent (CA), Web Application Scanning (WAS), Web Application Firewall (WAF).
  • The Qualys Amazon AWS EC2 Scanning option must be turned ON. Contact your Qualys Sales representative (TAM) or Support if it is unavailable.
  • Qualys Sensors: Virtual Scanner Appliances, Cloud Agents, as desired
  • Manager or Unit Manager role

Easy Get Starting Steps 

You might already know about Qualys Cloud Suite, its features, and its user interface.

Quick Steps: Securing AWS

Here is the user flow for securing AWS EC2 using Qualys.


Additional Resources