Basic Settings in Azure CLI

To deploy the Qualys Scanner Appliance, you need to perform some basic settings from Azure CLI.

Creating Resource Group

We recommend you to create one resource group per location for your Qualys Virtual Scanners. Give your resource group a name that is easy to recognize and represents the group location and tell us where the group is created. Once created, the name cannot be changed.

az CLI


az group create --name resource-group-qualys-scanner --location centralus

Where name is the resource group name, and location is the location where we create the group

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Creating Storage Account

A storage account is not mandatory for deploying Qualys Virtual Scanners, but it is highly recommended that you enable boot diagnostics to troubleshoot scanner issues.

We recommend you create at least one storage account for your Qualys Virtual Scanners.

az CLI


az storage account create --name storagequalys --resource-group resource-group-qualys-scanner --sku Standard_LRS --kind Storage --location centralus

Where name is the storage account name, resource-group is the resource group name, sku is the SKU name (Premium_LRS, Standard_GRS, Standard_LRS, Standard_RAGRS, Standard_ZRS), kind is the account kind (BlobStorage, Storage, StorageV2), location is the location

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Creating Storage Container

You need to create a container in your storage account where qvsa images are stored.

az CLI


az storage container create --name images --account-name storagequalys --account-key "AbcdefDKBFEHMKxeelzL4fsxINIm7gPrG+dVoirJFuCVEknW9TbCXVEUDxs1Oeg+heAcosc/SiCUhAzwN0uy+2w=="

Where name is the storage container name, account-name is the storage account name, account-key is the storage account key

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Creating Virtual Network

You may already have a virtual network set up for your Virtual Scanner. If not, create a new virtual network with subnet.

az CLI


az network vnet create --name qualys-scanner-vnet --address-prefixes "" --resource-group resource-group-qualys-scanner --location centralus

Where name is the name of the virtual network, address-prefixes is a comma-separated list of address prefixes for this virtual network, resource-group is the name of the resource group, location is the location

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Copying Qualys Image into your Storage Account

Now you need to copy Qualys qVSA image to your storage account. The qVSA image link is provided to you by Qualys Operations.

az CLI


az storage blob copy start --source-uri "" --account-name scanneraccount --account-key "Abcdefghijkl/XabePHYIyXX2qcHQ/mvghcZyvFoImSos2z87IhXUlHRSsO2k+awzUZePSqT3AbpOExAmPlE==" --destination-blob qVSA-Azure.X.X.XX-x.vhd.vhd --destination-container scanner-images

Where source-uri is the qVSA image link provided by Qualys Operations, account-name is the storage account name, account-key is the storage account key, destination-blob is the blob name, destination-container is the destination storage container name

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