Deploy Qualys Cloud Agent via Azure Resource Manager Template

This section helps you to deploy Qualys Cloud Agent using the Azure Resource Manager (ARM) template. For more details on deploying Cloud Agent on a Windows VM or Linux VM using Azure Portal, see Qualys Cloud Agent installation using the Azure Resource Manager (ARM) template.

Using Powershell

PS C:\ New-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment -VMName VM_NAME -ResourceGroupName RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME -Location VM_LOCATION -TemplateFile TEMPLATE_FILE_PATH -TemplateParameterFile TEMPLATE_PARAMETER_FILE_PATH


TEMPLATE_FILE_PATH = the path of the template file

TEMPLATE_PARAMETER_FILE_PATH = the path of the parameter file for the template

Input Parameters: Use the example.parameters.json from the repository to supply the parameters field.

  • vmName: The name of the Virtual Machine where you want to install Qualys Cloud Agent
  • vmlocation: The location of the Virtual Machine
  • LicenseCode: The License Code from your Qualys Subscription