Manage Multi-tenant applications

Qualys VM for QRadar -7.5.0 GA+ can now be used in a multi-tenant environment for QRadar V 7.4.1 Fix Pack 2, 7.4.2 GA+ or later. When users install the application, they are presented with the option to create a default instance. Users can select this option if they only want a single instance of the application or if the application does not need to support multi-tenancy. If a user does not select the Default Instance option, they must create a separate instance and associate each instance with a security profile to keep all their data separate.

Create an Instance

Perform the following steps to create an instance:

  1. Click the QRadar Assistant application icon ( Assistant app icon ), and then click Applications.
  2. Ensure you are in the List View (Manage > List View option) in Application Manager.
  3. In the Installed Extensions section, click the ellipsis icon (image13.png) in the Options column of the extension and then click Create New Instance.

    New Installed extension

  4. Select the security profile for which the application instance is created and click Next.

  5. Select the user role shown for the selected security profile and click Next.
  6. Review the summary and click Confirm & Create to create an instance.
  7. Once you confirm the changes, the application is installed for that security profile, and the application instance is created.

    Run the following command to check the application ID for the instance:

    /opt/qradar/support/recon ps

  8. Go to Admin tab and click Deploy Changes.

Manage Instances

After creating multiple instances, it is listed as shown below with the total memory consumed and the memory for each instance.

To configure the Qualys VM application Settings from QRadar Assistant for the created instances, follow the steps mentioned below:

  1. For instance, click on the ellipsis icon () in the Options column.
  2. Click Configure Instance > Qualys VM App Settings.
  3. Do various configurations on the Configuration Page. For more information, refer to Qualys VM application Settings.

For more information related to other options, refer to Manage Instances.

Configuring Instance

For multi-tenant instances, once you complete the above configurations, you need to proceed with Qualys API Configurations.