Which Assets are Included in a Job

While creating a job, you can select various options that impact the final assets that are included in a job. Following is the precedence criteria to determine the final assets included for a job.

- Step 1 Include all assets that are part of the specified asset tags. For example, Business, Network, and Servers asset tags contain the following assets:

Tags Assets
Business Units A, B, C
Network D, E, F
Servers G, H, I


- Step 2 Remove assets with specified asset tags. For example, remove Amazon asset tag with J, K, and L assets

- Step 3 Add explicitly included assets from the asset selector. For example, add K.

- Step 4 Remove explicitly excluded assets from the asset selector. For example, remove A and H.

With the above example, after considering the precedence criteria, the final list of assets included in the job will be: B, C, D, E, F, G, I, and K.