Use this API to create a deployment job by providing inputs in the request body. When you create a Windows or Linux deployment job, and the request is successful, you get a 201 response code.
Parameter |
Mandatory/Optional |
Data Type |
Description |
approvedPatches |
Optional |
string |
Specify a list of patches that you want to add to the job |
filterType |
Optional |
string |
Specify the relationship between selected tags. Available values: Any, All Default value: Any |
exclusionFilterType |
Optional |
string |
Specify the relationship between excluded tags. Available values: Any, All Default value: Any |
scheduleType |
Mandatory |
string |
Specify the schedule to run the job. Available values: On-demand, Once, Daily, Weekly, and Monthly. |
startDateTime |
Optional: On-demand job. Mandatory: Other job types. |
string |
Specify the time to start the job. Format example: 2022-2-20 01:18:30 PM |
recurring |
Optional |
Specify if the job is recurring. Available values: True, False |
dayOfMonth |
Optional |
string |
Specify a day between 1 to 31 to run the job. |
recurringLastDayOfMonth |
Optional |
Specify if you want to job to run on the last day of the month. Available values: True, False |
monthlyRecurringType |
Optional |
string |
Specify if you want to run the job on the Patch Tuesday schedule Available values: 0 (not - Patch Tuesday), and 1 (Patch Tuesday). Default value: 0 |
patchTuesdayPlusXDays |
Optional |
string |
Specify the value to set the schedule to run the job up to 27 days before or after Patch Tuesday. |
recurringDayOfMonth |
Optional |
string |
Specify a value between 1 to 5 to run the job on a specific day of a week in the month. For example, the second Monday of the month. |
recurringWeekDayOfMonth |
Optional |
string |
Specify a value between 0-6 to run a job on a specific day of the week. For example, 0=Sunday, 1=Monday, and so on. |
recurringWeekDays |
Optional |
string |
Replace 0 with 1 in the "0,0,0,0,0,0,0" sequence to run the job on a specific day of the week. For example, "0,0,1,0,0,0,0" to run the job on Tuesday. |
dynamicQQLType |
Optional |
string |
Specify if the job is QQL type. Available values: 0 (no QQL), 1 (Patch QQL), 2 (Vulnerability QQL) Default value: 0 |
isDynamicPatchesQQL |
Optional |
Boolean |
Specify if the QQL-job uses Patches tokens. Available values: True, False |
continueOnPatchFailure |
Optional |
Boolean (Linux job only) |
Specify if the Linux installation job should run after a patch in the package fails to install. Available values: True, False |
preDeployment |
Optional |
string |
Specify a message you want to show before the deployment starts. If you don't want to show a message, keep the value as null. |
duringDeployment |
Optional |
string |
Specify a message you want to show before the deployment starts. If you don't want to show a message, keep the value null. |
postDeployment |
Optional |
string |
Specify a message you want to show after the job is deployed. If you don't want to show a message, keep the value null. |
onComplete |
Optional |
string |
Specify a message you want to show after the job is complete. If you don't want to show a message, keep the value null. |
rebootCountdown |
Optional |
string |
Specify a message you want to show before reboot countdown starts. If you don't want to show a message, keep the value null. |
rebootOption |
Optional |
string |
Specify a message you want to show when the reboot is complete. If you don't want to show a message, keep the value null. |
suppressReboots |
Optional |
string |
Specify if you want to allow users to suppress a reboot after the job. Available values: True, False Default value: False |
platform |
Optional |
string |
Specify the platform type. - Available values: Linux, Windows - Default value: Windows |
minimizeWindow |
Optional |
Boolean (Windows job only) |
Specify if you want to allow users to minimize the job window. Available values: True, False Default value: False |
type |
Mandatory |
string |
Specify the job type. Available values: Install (Windows and Linux), Rollback (Windows only) Default value: Install |
status |
Optional |
string |
Specify the job status. Available values: Disabled, Enabled Default value: Disabled |
timeout/timeoutUnit |
Optional |
string |
Specify if the job should time out in hours (1 to 168) or minutes (1 to 10080) |
timezoneType |
Optional |
string |
Specify if you want to run the job in the agent time zone of a specific time zone. Available values: AGENT_TZ, SPECIFIC_TZ |
timezone |
Optional |
string |
Specify the time zone in which you want to run the job. To refer to the available time zones, see List of Time Zones. |
opportunisticDownloads |
Optional |
Boolean (Windows job only) |
Specify if you want the agent to attempt to download the patches before the job starts. Available values: True, False Default value: False |
action |
Optional |
string (Windows job only) |
Specify if you want to execute an action before or after a job runs. Available values (pre-actions): Run Script, Install Software, Change Registry Key, Uninstall Software, and System Reboot.
Available values (post-actions): Run Script, Install Software, Change Registry Key, and Uninstall Software. |
script/detectionScript |
Optional |
string (Windows job only) |
Specify the Base 64 encoded script that you want to run as an action |
scriptType |
Optional |
string (Windows job only) |
Specify the Powershell script that you want to run as a part of the job. |
detectionScriptType |
Optional |
string (Windows job only) |
Specify the Powershell script that you want to run as a part of the job |
linkedJobId |
Optional |
string |
Specify a job ID you want to link. If you do not want to link a job, keep the value "null". |
notification |
- |
Optional |
- |
Notify the user at the start and end of the job. |
notificationTypes |
Boolean |
Enter "true" for email. |
Enter the email IDs of recipients and the completion percentage between 1 to 100. If you do not want to notify, keep the value null. |
notificationEvents |
Boolean |
Enter "true" for at least one of the following parameters: "onJobStart" or "onJobComplete". Available values: true, false |
String |
Provide the job randomize time in hours or minutes. - This value must be less than the timeout/timeoutUnit.(Patch Window)
downloadRandomizeTimeUnit |
String |
Provide the download Randomize time unit as "HOURS" or "MINUTES". |
Specify if the job is QQL type.
customPatchURLId |
Optional |
Integer |
Specify the customPatchURLId value. This is nothing but the "id" value received from the Fetch Custom Patch Download URLs API. |
API request
curl -X POST
"https://<QualysBaseURL>/pm/v1/deploymentjob" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <<jwt token>>"
Request Body - Specify the inputs to create a deployment job
{ "name": "Public API on demand Window job with specific patches", "description": "Created via public API", "approvedPatches": [ "ca0d50b1-df21-31ef-aa9b-eec805b3a517", "9285e676-6340-3ba7-b124-31d84542c7bf" ], "assetIds": [ "ac66e55a-efc6-4a8d-9f61-00d871572b96" ], "assetTagIds": [ "f81f37b3-a32b-4aa0-a428-12cad6e37db1" ], "filterType": "Any", "exclusionAssetIds": [ "94c0bc01-3b1b-4b4b-84a0-b9fe3c9aebb0" ], "exclusionFilterType": "Any", "exclusionTagIds": [ "1de6c626-de40-4dee-81f8-ae022cd9726a" ], "coAuthorUserIds": [ "568be9b8-cbbb-47bf-8132-e4f3c2c46e6c" ], "preDeployment": null, "duringDeployment": { "description": "During deployment Description", "userMessage": "During deployment userMessage" }, "postDeployment": { "onComplete": { "description": "On complete Description", "userMessage": "On complete userMessage" }, "rebootCountdown": { "interval": 15, "intervalUnit": "MINUTES", "userMessage": "Reboot Countdown usermessage", "description": "Reboot Countdown description" }, "rebootOption": { "deferment": { "count": 3, "interval": 1, "intervalUnit": "HOURS" }, "description": "rebootOption description", "userMessage": "rebootOption user message" }, "suppressReboots": false }, "platform": "Windows", "minimizeWindow": "true", "type": "Install", "status": "Disabled", "timeout": 6, "timeoutUnit": "HOURS", "recurring": false, "scheduleType": "On-demand", "opportunisticDownloads": false, "downloadRandomizeTime": 2, "downloadRandomizeTimeUnit": "HOURS", "notification": { "notificationTypes": { "email": true }, "notificationConfigs": { "recipientEmails": "", "completedPercentage": 80 }, "notificationEvents": { "onJobStart": true, "onJobComplete": false } }, "preDeployActions": [ { "action": "Run Script", "params": { "actionItem": "Notepad detection script" }, "script": "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", "scriptType": "ps" }, { "action": "Change Registry Key", "params": { "actionItem": "DisableUpdate", "regKey": "SEtFWV9MT0NBTF9NQUNISU5FXFNPRlRXQVJFXFpvb21cTVNJ", "regValueType": "REG_SZ", "regValue": "dHJ1ZQ==", "regKeyAddNew": false }, "scriptType": "ps" }, { "action": "System Reboot", "params": { "actionItem": "Reboot" } } ], "postDeployActions": [ { "action": "Install Software with scriptbased option", "params": { "actionItem": "Install Notepad", "downloadURL": "", "fileChecksum": "613f36bf5e98be7e56b7ea0c678cfb8534077c2ec1cbe839a854dd0a60278ebb", "installMethod": 0 }, "script": "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", "scriptType": "ps", "detectionScript": "", "detectionScriptType": "ps" }, { "action": "Uninstall Software", "params": { "actionItem": "Uninstall Chrome", "unInstallRegistryKey": "SEtFWV9MT0NBTF9NQUNISU5FXFNPRlRXQVJFXFdPVzY0MzJOb2RlXE1pY3Jvc29mdFxXaW5kb3dzXEN1cnJlbnRWZXJzaW9uXFVuaW5zdGFsbFxHb29nbGUgQ2hyb21l", "unInstallSoftwareDisplayName": "Google Chrome", "unInstallSoftwareVersion": "109.0.5414.168", "unInstallSoftwareVersionMatch": "Equals" }, "scriptType": "ps" }, { "action": "Install Software", "params": { "actionItem": "Install Notepad with Installer based option", "downloadURL": "", "fileChecksum": "613f36bf5e98be7e56b7ea0c678cfb8534077c2ec1cbe839a854dd0a60278ebb", "installMethod": 1 }, "detectionScript": "", "detectionScriptType": "ps", "script": "", "scriptType": "ps" } ] }
"customerId": "bc023fd7-4290-f28f-8181-95a46f519f52",
"id": "cb190c4a-a31a-44f0-b2ce-34f30a09a8d7",
"schemaVersion": "1.0",
"name": "Public API on demand Window job with specific patches",
"type": "Install",
"status": "Disabled",
"assetIds": [
"assetTagIds": [
"matchAllTagIds": null,
"exclusionTagIds": [
"exclusionAssetIds": [
"coAuthorUserIds": [
"approvedPatches": [
"disabledPatches": null,
"patchCount": 2,
"scheduleType": "On-demand",
"startDateTime": "2022-10-19 08:47:34 AM",
"recurring": false,
"recurringWeekDays": null,
"dayOfMonth": null,
"recurringDayOfMonth": null,
"recurringWeekDayOfMonth": null,
"timezoneType": "SPECIFIC_TZ",
"timezone": "UTC",
"timeout": 6,
"timeoutUnit": "HOURS",
"preDeployment": {
"userMessage": "",
"description": "",
"deferment": {
"count": 3,
"interval": 1,
"intervalUnit": "HOURS"
"duringDeployment": {
"userMessage": "During deployment userMessage",
"description": "During deployment Description"
"postDeployment": {
"suppressReboots": false,
"rebootOption": {
"userMessage": "rebootOption user message",
"description": "rebootOption description",
"deferment": {
"count": 3,
"interval": 1,
"intervalUnit": "HOURS"
"rebootCountdown": {
"interval": 15,
"intervalUnit": "MINUTES",
"userMessage": "Reboot Countdown usermessage",
"description": "Reboot Countdown description"
"onComplete": {
"userMessage": "On complete userMessage",
"description": "On complete Description"
"description": "Created via public API 3",
"createdBy": {
"user": {
"id": "c4c71f94-4ef6-7e6f-8260-11704fa58172",
"name": "qxxxs_rxx7"
"date": 1666169253730
"updatedBy": {
"user": null,
"date": null
"deletedBy": {
"user": null,
"date": null
"assetCount": null,
"opportunisticDownloads": false,
"filterType": "Any",
"exclusionFilterType": "Any",
"taggedAssetCount": 0,
"minimizeWindow": true,
"dynamicPatchesQQL": null,
"isDynamicPatchesQQL": null,
"dynamicQQLType": null,
"platform": "Windows",
"continueOnPatchFailure": false,
"preDeployActions": [
"actionId": "e3e2a58d-1bf9-45a2-9238-d435c2dadf45",
"action": "Run Script",
"actionType": "predeploy",
"params": {
"actionItem": "Notepad detection script",
"timeout": 180
"script": "c8f2006c-3f0a-5d94-83c7-2ac1dc78063b/e3e2a58d-1bf9-45a2-9238-d435c2dadf45/Script",
"scriptType": "ps"
"actionId": "00db1862-7570-4ef8-9464-f8415436814b",
"action": "Change Registry Key",
"actionType": "predeploy",
"params": {
"actionItem": "DisableUpdate",
"regValueType": "REG_SZ",
"regValue": "dHJ1ZQ==",
"regKeyAddNew": false,
"timeout": 180
"action": "System Reboot",
"actionId": "bc4aa991-1e61-4bfc-85ea-ffa389c85e5b",
"actionType": "predeploy",
"params": {
"actionItem": "Reboot",
"timeout": 180
"script": "",
"scriptType": "ps"
"postDeployActions": [
"actionId": "e51da4cb-2508-4227-8f23-7c2f2278bf77",
"action": "Install Software",
"actionType": "postdeploy",
"params": {
"actionItem": "Install Notepad with scriptbased option",
"downloadURL": "",
"downloadProtocol": 0,
"installMethod": 0,
"fileChecksum": "613f36bf5e98be7e56b7ea0c678cfb8534077c2ec1cbe839a854dd0a60278ebb",
"timeout": 180
"detectionScript": "",
"detectionScriptType": "ps",
"script": "c8f2006c-3f0a-5d94-83c7-2ac1dc78063b/e51da4cb-2508-4227-8f23-7c2f2278bf77/Script",
"scriptType": "ps"
"actionId": "2437ea86-ae10-4be4-b421-50472a2a7fe1",
"action": "Uninstall Software",
"actionType": "postdeploy",
"params": {
"actionItem": "Uninstall Chrome",
"unInstallSoftwareDisplayName": "Google Chrome",
"unInstallSoftwareVersion": "109.0.5414.168",
"unInstallSoftwareVersionMatch": "Equals",
"unInstallRegistryKey": "SEtFWV9MT0NBTF9NQUNISU5FXFNPRlRXQVJFXFdPVzY0MzJOb2RlXE1pY3Jvc29mdFxXaW5kb3dzXEN1cnJlbnRWZXJzaW9uXFVuaW5zdGFsbFxHb29nbGUgQ2hyb21l",
"timeout": 180
"action": "Install Software",
"actionId": "900eee9a-ef6a-4d54-ac82-932d8b981935",
"actionType": "postdeploy",
"detectionScript": "",
"detectionScriptType": "ps",
"params": {
"actionItem": "Install Notepad with Installer based option",
"downloadProtocol": 1,
"downloadURL": "",
"fileChecksum": "613f36bf5e98be7e56b7ea0c678cfb8534077c2ec1cbe839a854dd0a60278ebb",
"installMethod": 1,
"timeout": 180
"script": "",
"scriptType": "ps"
"applicableAssetCount": 1,
"monthlyRecurringType": null,
"patchTuesdayPlusXDays": null,
"recurringLastDayOfMonth": null,
"jobCategory": 3,
"jobTriggerStatus": null,
"completionPercent": null,
"totalAssetCount": null,
"assetResultReceivedCount": null,
"jobSource": 3,
"readOnly": false,
"notification": {
"notificationTypes": {
"email": true
"notificationConfigs": {
"recipientEmails": "",
"completedPercentage": "80"
"notificationEvents": {
"onJobStart": true,
"onJobComplete": false
"linkedJobId": null,
"linkedToJob": null,
"linkedJobs": null,
"downloadRandomizeTime": 2,
"downloadRandomizeTimeUnit": "HOURS",
"additionalDynamicPatchesQQL": null,
"additionalDynamicQQLType": null
API request
curl -X POST
"https://<QualysBaseURL>/pm/v1/deploymentjob" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <<jwt token>>"
Request Body - Specify the inputs to create a QQL-based Windows deployment job for Patch Tuesday without actions
-d '{
"name": "Windows Public API job 3",
"description": "Windows job created via public API",
"approvedPatches": [],
"assetIds": [
"assetTagIds": [
"matchAllTagIds": [],
"filterType": "Any",
"exclusionAssetIds": [
"exclusionFilterType": "Any",
"exclusionTagIds": [
"coAuthorUserIds": [
"scheduleType": "Monthly",
"startDateTime": "2022-2-20 01:18:30 PM",
"recurring": true,
"dayOfMonth": null,
"recurringLastDayOfMonth": false,
"monthlyRecurringType": 1,
"patchTuesdayPlusXDays": 6,
"recurringDayOfMonth": null,
"recurringWeekDayOfMonth": null,
"recurringWeekDays": "",
"dynamicPatchesQQL": "isSecurity: true",
"dynamicQQLType": "1",
"isDynamicPatchesQQL": true,
"continueOnPatchFailure": false,
"downloadRandomizeTime": 15,
"downloadRandomizeTimeUnit": "MINUTES",
"preDeployment": {
"deferment": {
"count": 3,
"interval": 1,
"intervalUnit": "HOURS"
"description": "preDeployment description",
"userMessage": "preDeployment user message"
"duringDeployment": {
"description": "During deployment Description",
"userMessage": "During deployment userMessage"
"postDeployment": {
"onComplete": {
"description": "On complete Description",
"userMessage": "On complete userMessage"
"rebootCountdown": {
"interval": 15,
"intervalUnit": "MINUTES",
"userMessage": "Reboot Countdown usermessage",
"description": "Reboot Countdown description"
"rebootOption": {
"deferment": {
"count": 3,
"interval": 1,
"intervalUnit": "HOURS"
"description": "rebootOption description",
"userMessage": "rebootOption user message"
"suppressReboots": false
"platform": "Windows",
"minimizeWindow": "true",
"type": "Install",
"status": "Disabled",
"timeout": 6,
"timeoutUnit": "HOURS",
"timezone": null,
"timezoneType": "AGENT_TZ",
"opportunisticDownloads": true,
"additionalDynamicQQLType": 2,
"customPatchURLId": 1004
"customerId": "6f66747e-2800-7fc7-82d4-1ee7cd30c9fc",
"id": "7dc64a73-f347-4ed4-b50c-9c645b334907",
"schemaVersion": "1.0",
"name": "Winodws Public API job 3",
"type": "Install",
"status": "Disabled",
"assetIds": [
"assetTagIds": [
"matchAllTagIds": [],
"exclusionTagIds": [
"exclusionAssetIds": [
"coAuthorUserIds": [
"approvedPatches": [],
"disabledPatches": null,
"patchCount": 0,
"scheduleType": "Monthly",
"startDateTime": "2022-2-20 01:18:30 PM",
"recurring": true,
"recurringWeekDays": "",
"dayOfMonth": null,
"recurringDayOfMonth": null,
"recurringWeekDayOfMonth": null,
"timezoneType": "AGENT_TZ",
"timezone": null,
"timeout": 6,
"timeoutUnit": "HOURS",
"preDeployment": {
"userMessage": "preDeployment user message",
"description": "preDeployment description",
"deferment": {
"count": 3,
"interval": 1,
"intervalUnit": "HOURS"
"duringDeployment": {
"userMessage": "During deployment userMessage",
"description": "During deployment Description"
"postDeployment": {
"suppressReboots": false,
"rebootOption": {
"userMessage": "rebootOption user message",
"description": "rebootOption description",
"deferment": {
"count": 3,
"interval": 1,
"intervalUnit": "HOURS"
"rebootCountdown": {
"interval": 15,
"intervalUnit": "MINUTES",
"userMessage": "Reboot Countdown usermessage",
"description": "Reboot Countdown description"
"onComplete": {
"userMessage": "On complete userMessage",
"description": "On complete Description"
"description": "Winodws job created via public API",
"createdBy": {
"user": {
"id": "ea9067e4-1c28-e208-80b4-312b7a0449cf",
"name": "gtham_bw"
"date": 1645970995557
"updatedBy": {
"user": null,
"date": null
"deletedBy": {
"user": null,
"date": null
"assetCount": null,
"opportunisticDownloads": true,
"filterType": "Any",
"exclusionFilterType": "Any",
"taggedAssetCount": 0,
"minimizeWindow": true,
"dynamicPatchesQQL": "isSecurity: true",
"isDynamicPatchesQQL": true,
"dynamicQQLType": 1,
"platform": "Windows",
"continueOnPatchFailure": false,
"preDeployActions": null,
"postDeployActions": null,
"applicableAssetCount": 0,
"monthlyRecurringType": 1,
"patchTuesdayPlusXDays": 6,
"recurringLastDayOfMonth": false,
"jobCategory": 1,
"jobTriggerStatus": null,
"completionPercent": null,
"totalAssetCount": null,
"assetResultReceivedCount": null,
"jobSource": 3,
"readOnly": false,
"downloadRandomizeTime": 15,
"downloadRandomizeTimeUnit": "MINUTES",
"customPatchURLId": 1004,
"additionalDynamicPatchesQQL": "vulnerabilities.vulnerability.criticality:CRITICAL",
"additionalDynamicQQLType": 2
API request
curl -X POST
"https://<QualysBaseURL>/pm/v1/deploymentjob" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <<jwt token>>"
Request Body - Specify the inputs to create a uninstall job
-d '{
"name": "Winodws Public API job 5",
"description": "Winodws job created via public API",
"approvedPatches": [
"assetIds": [
"assetTagIds": [
"matchAllTagIds": [],
"filterType": "Any",
"exclusionAssetIds": [
"exclusionFilterType": "Any",
"exclusionTagIds": [
"coAuthorUserIds": [
"dayOfMonth": null,
"recurringLastDayOfMonth": false,
"monthlyRecurringType": 0,
"patchTuesdayPlusXDays": null,
"recurringDayOfMonth": null,
"recurringWeekDayOfMonth": null,
"recurringWeekDays": "",
"dynamicPatchesQQL": null,
"dynamicQQLType": "1",
"isDynamicPatchesQQL": false,
"continueOnPatchFailure": false,
"preDeployment": {
"deferment": {
"count": 3,
"interval": 1,
"intervalUnit": "HOURS"
"description": "preDeployment description",
"userMessage": "preDeployment user message"
"duringDeployment": {
"description": "During deployment Description",
"userMessage": "During deployment userMessage"
"postDeployment": {
"onComplete": {
"description": "On complete Description",
"userMessage": "On complete userMessage"
"rebootCountdown": {
"interval": 15,
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API request
curl -X POST
"https://<QualysBaseURL</pm/v1/deploymentjob" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <<jwt token>>"
Request Body - Specify the inputs to create a Linux deployment job
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