Use this API to get a list of assets enabled for your Patch Management within your scope.
Parameter |
Mandatory/Optional |
Data Type |
Description |
havingQuery |
Optional |
string |
Specify a QQL to filter assets based on patch catalog search criteria. For example, appFamily:Firefox |
pageNumber |
Optional |
string |
The page to be returned. Default value: 0 |
pageSize |
Optional |
string |
Limit number of rows to be returned per page. Default value: 10 |
platform |
Optional |
string |
The platform type. - Available values: Linux, Windows - Default value: Windows |
query |
Optional |
string |
Specify a QQL to filter assets based on asset search criteria. For example, name:'Asset-windowsmachine1' Append the QQL (patchStatus:[Missing,Installed] and isSuperseded:false) to filter the latest missing and installed patches. |
sort |
Optional |
string |
Sort the patch values by certain data. For example, [{"name":"asc"}] |
API request
curl -X GET
"https://<QualysBaseURL>/pm/v1/assets?havingQuery=isSecurity%3A%20true&pageNumber=0&pageSize=2&platform=Windows&query=%28scanDateTime%3A%5Bnow-2d%20...%20now-1s%5D%29%20and%20%28patchStatus%3A%5BMissing%5D%20and%20isSuperseded%3A%20false%29&sort=%5B%7B%22status%22%3A%22asc%22%7D%5D" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <<jwt token>>""
"name": "WIN2012R2",
"id": "a676efcf-8322-4fdc-b3b5-f3ed44f955a5",
"operatingSystem": "Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard 6.3.9600 64-bit N/A Build 9600",
"lastLoggedOnUser": "Administrator",
"scanStatus": "Scanned",
"statusCode": 20211,
"statusDateTime": 1642692958139,
"scanDateTime": 1642692969154,
"hardware": {
"model": "",
"manufacturer": ""
"tags": [
"id": "781270dc-02ba-45c3-9336-78edf4802c1d"
"id": "65a57156-c983-4c5c-bc6b-4cf8585e894f"
"id": "67978b5c-a9ef-4c02-b4ae-dc6f0f825063"
"id": "59e00be0-1feb-46d5-80d9-980d80d4f032"
"id": "8302ecad-4518-4fce-bce3-8ea764cd1e7c"
"interfaces": [],
"version": "Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard 6.3.9600 Build 9600",
"architecture": "x64",
"osIdentifier": "WINDOWS",
"platform": "Windows",
"missingCount": 274,
"installedCount": 6