Reviewing Missing Patches for Linux Assets
When you navigate to the Patches tab, the patches that are missing on your hosts that were detected using the vulnerability scan are shown. The vulnerability scan provides details about detected vulnerabilities. These detected vulnerabilities can be mapped to missing patches respectively on the Linux agent.
Vulnerabilities that are detected on active kernel only will be considered for missing patches in Linux.
After an asset is added to Patch Management, the details of missing patches are available after the next vulnerability scan happens and only if it contains active vulnerabilities. The default schedule for a vulnerability scan is 4 hours.
Alternatively, you can go to the Assets tab to view the missing patches count on particular assets. Once a deployment job on a Linux asset is executed, the missing patches on the assets will be updated when the subsequent vulnerability scan is completed.
Sometimes, the count for the missing patches might not be correct. The data shown varies based on the latest agent scan. If new patches are made available before the next agent scan, the count might reflect the old patch count.