Release 3.3 API
January 08, 2025
Before understanding the API release highlights, learn more about the API server URL to be used in your API requests by referring to the Know Your Qualys API Server URL section. For this API Release Notes, <qualys_base_url> is mentioned in the sample API requests.
What's New?
Create a Job
New or Updated API | Updated |
API Endpoint | /pm/v1/deploymentjob |
Method | POST |
DTD or XSD changes | Not Applicable |
With this release, this API is updated so that you can accomplish the following:
- Create a rollback job to roll back patches from the Linux assets.
Before this release, you could create a rollback job to roll back patches from only Windows assets. - Add patches from another job (which you can call a parent or a linked job) while creating Windows and Linux jobs. You can also add a condition you want to consider in the job execution. Note that the condition is based on the post-actions of the parent job. This allows you to control the run of child job execution based on the successful percentage of post-actions in the parent job.
- Always show the Patch Job Deployment Completion Pop-Up Window on patched machines for Windows deployment jobs irrespective of whether the patches are failed, skipped, or successfully deployed.
Input ParametersInput Parameters
Parameter |
Mandatory/ |
Data Type |
Description |
alwaysShowCompletedPrompt |
Optional |
Boolean |
Specify the value as true to show the Patch Job Deployment Completion Pop-Up Window, irrespective of whether the patches are failed, skipped, or successfully deployed. Available values: true and false |
type |
Mandatory |
String |
Specify the job type. The available values: Install (Windows and Linux), Rollback (Windows & Linux) |
chainedJobRule |
Optional |
String |
Specify the following values in the chainedJobRule array to decide on the child job execution based on the successful percentage of post action in the parent job.
Sample - Create a Linux Rollback JobSample - Create a Linux Rollback Job
API Request
curl -X POST "<qualys_base_url>/pm/v1/deploymentjob"
-H "accept: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer <<jwt token>>"
Request Body
"name": "Public API on demand Linux Rollback job with patches",
"description": "Created via public API",
"approvedPatches": [],
"assetIds": [
"assetTagIds": [],
"filterType": "Any",
"exclusionAssetIds": [],
"exclusionFilterType": "Any",
"exclusionTagIds": [],
"coAuthorUserIds": [
"preDeployment": null,
"duringDeployment": null,
"postDeployment": {
"onComplete": null,
"rebootCountdown": null,
"rebootOption": null,
"suppressReboots": false
"platform": "Linux",
"type": "Rollback",
"status": "Disabled",
"timeout": 6,
"timeoutUnit": "HOURS",
"recurring": false,
"scheduleType": "On-demand",
"opportunisticDownloads": false,
"notification": {
"notificationTypes": {
"email": true
"notificationConfigs": {
"recipientEmails": "",
"completedPercentage": "80"
"notificationEvents": {
"onJobStart": true,
"onJobComplete": false
"preDeployActions": [
"action": "Run Script",
"actionType": "predeploy",
"params": {
"actionItem": "S1",
"timeout": 180
"script": "bHM=",
"scriptType": "sh"
"postDeployActions": [
"action": "Run Script",
"actionType": "postdeploy",
"params": {
"actionItem": "S1",
"timeout": 180
"script": "bHM=",
"scriptType": "sh"
API Response
{ "customerId": "bc023fd7-4290-f28f-8181-95a46f519f52", "id": "ee2d6bd3-4944-4ea8-a384-c3f44a40b844", "schemaVersion": "1.0", "name": "Public API on demand Linux Rollback job with patches", "type": "Rollback", "status": "Disabled", "assetIds": [ "d543e2a2-3860-461f-bd59-d718c31d2344" ], "assetTagIds": [], "matchAllTagIds": null, "exclusionTagIds": [], "exclusionAssetIds": [], "coAuthorUserIds": [ "c4c71f94-4ef6-7e6f-8260-11704fa58172" ], "approvedPatches": [], "disabledPatches": null, "patchCount": 0, "scheduleType": "On-demand", "startDateTime": "2024-12-31 10:25:52 AM", "recurring": false, "recurringWeekDays": null, "dayOfMonth": null, "recurringDayOfMonth": null, "recurringWeekDayOfMonth": null, "timezoneType": "SPECIFIC_TZ", "timezone": "UTC", "timeout": 6, "timeoutUnit": "HOURS", "preDeployment": { "userMessage": "", "description": "", "deferment": { "count": 3, "interval": 1, "intervalUnit": "HOURS" } }, "duringDeployment": { "userMessage": "", "description": "" }, "postDeployment": { "suppressReboots": false, "rebootHonorOnUserLogin": false, "rebootOption": { "userMessage": "", "description": "", "deferment": { "count": 3, "interval": 1, "intervalUnit": "HOURS" } }, "rebootCountdown": { "interval": 15, "intervalUnit": "MINUTES", "userMessage": "", "description": "" }, "onComplete": { "userMessage": "", "description": "", "alwaysShowCompletedPrompt": false } }, "description": "Created via public API", "createdBy": { "user": { "id": "c4c71f94-4ef6-7e6f-8260-11704fa58172", "name": "quays_rw17" }, "date": 1735640751819 }, "updatedBy": { "user": null, "date": null }, "deletedBy": { "user": null, "date": null }, "assetCount": null, "opportunisticDownloads": false, "filterType": "Any", "exclusionFilterType": "Any", "taggedAssetCount": 0, "minimizeWindow": null, "dynamicPatchesQQL": null, "isDynamicPatchesQQL": false, "dynamicQQLType": null, "platform": "Linux", "continueOnPatchFailure": false, "preDeployActions": [ { "actionId": "b09fef6a-12ea-41af-9152-17005f0828d4", "action": "Run Script", "actionType": "predeploy", "params": { "actionItem": "S1", "timeout": 180 }, "script": "bc023fd7-4290-f28f-8181-95a46f519f52/b09fef6a-12ea-41af-9152-17005f0828d4/Script", "scriptType": "sh", "actionLinkedToJob": false } ], "postDeployActions": [ { "actionId": "44d1ea6e-0e3e-430d-8793-afdf4992adb0", "action": "Run Script", "actionType": "postdeploy", "params": { "actionItem": "S1", "timeout": 180 }, "script": "bc023fd7-4290-f28f-8181-95a46f519f52/44d1ea6e-0e3e-430d-8793-afdf4992adb0/Script", "scriptType": "sh", "actionLinkedToJob": false } ], "applicableAssetCount": 1, "monthlyRecurringType": null, "patchTuesdayPlusXDays": null, "recurringLastDayOfMonth": null, "jobCategory": 3, "jobTriggerStatus": null, "completionPercent": null, "totalAssetCount": null, "assetResultReceivedCount": null, "jobSource": 3, "readOnly": false, "notification": { "notificationTypes": { "email": true }, "notificationConfigs": { "recipientEmails": "", "completedPercentage": "80" }, "notificationEvents": { "onJobStart": true, "onJobComplete": false } }, "linkedJobId": null, "linkedToJob": null, "linkedJobs": null, "jobStartCountdown": null, "passwordAction": null, "subCategory": "Patch", "additionalDynamicQQLType": null, "additionalDynamicPatchesQQL": null, "downloadRandomizeTime": 0, "downloadRandomizeTimeUnit": "MINUTES", "customPatchURLId": null, "isVulnContext": null, "remediationQids": null, "isAssetImported": false }
Sample - Create a Job with patches added from a parent job and show the Patch Job Deployment Completion Pop-Up WindowSample - Create a Job with patches added from a parent job and show the Patch Job Deployment Completion Pop-Up Window
API Request
curl -X POST "<qualys_base_url>/pm/v1/deploymentjob"
-H "accept: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer <<jwt token>>"
Request Body
"name": "Public API job with chained job and alwaysShowCompletedPrompt",
"description": "Created via public API",
"approvedPatches": [],
"assetIds": ["ac66e55a-efc6-4a8d-9f61-00d871572b96"],
"assetTagIds": ["f81f37b3-a32b-4aa0-a428-12cad6e37db1"],
"filterType": "Any",
"exclusionFilterType": "Any",
"exclusionAssetIds": ["94c0bc01-3b1b-4b4b-84a0-b9fe3c9aebb0"],
"exclusionTagIds": [ "1de6c626-de40-4dee-81f8-ae022cd9726a"],
"coAuthorUserIds": ["568be9b8-cbbb-47bf-8132-e4f3c2c46e6c"],
"preDeployment": null,
"duringDeployment": {
"description": "During deployment Description",
"userMessage": "During deployment userMessage"
"postDeployment": {
"onComplete": {
"alwaysShowCompletedPrompt" : true,
"description": "On complete Description",
"userMessage": "On complete userMessage"
"rebootCountdown": {
"interval": 15,
"intervalUnit": "MINUTES",
"userMessage": "Reboot Countdown usermessage",
"description": "Reboot Countdown description"
"rebootOption": {
"deferment": {
"count": 3,
"interval": 1,
"intervalUnit": "HOURS"
"description": "rebootOption description",
"userMessage": "rebootOption user message"
"suppressReboots": false
"platform": "Windows",
"minimizeWindow": "true",
"type": "Install",
"status": "Disabled",
"timeout": 6,
"timeoutUnit": "HOURS",
"recurring": false,
"scheduleType": "On-demand",
"opportunisticDownloads": false,
"downloadRandomizeTime": 2,
"downloadRandomizeTimeUnit": "HOURS",
"linkedJobId": "5b0fd130-52c8-473c-96b1-8f10ea7d4c13",
"chainedJobRule": [
"field": "postDeployAction",
"actionIds": [
"threshold": "100",
"condition": "Post Actions were successfully executed"
"notification": {
"notificationTypes": {
"email": true
"notificationConfigs": {
"recipientEmails": "",
"completedPercentage": 80
"notificationEvents": {
"onJobStart": true,
"onJobComplete": false
"preDeployActions": [
"action": "Run Script",
"params": {
"actionItem": "Notepad detection script"
"script": "JHc2ND1HZXQtSXRlbVByb3BlcnR5IEhLTE06XFNvZnR3YXJlXFdvdzY0MzJOb2RlXE1pY3Jvc
"scriptType": "ps"
"postDeployActions": [
"action": "Install Software",
"params": {
"actionItem": "Install Notepad",
"downloadURL": "
"fileChecksum": "613f36bf5e98be7e56b7ea0c678cfb8534077c2ec1cbe839a854dd0a60278ebb",
"installMethod": 0
"script": "JHc2ND1HZXQtSXRlbVByb3BlcnR5IEhLTE06XFNvZnR3YXJlXFdvdzY0MzJOb2RlXE1pY3Jvc29mdFxXaW5kb 3dzXEN1cnJlbnRWZXJzaW9uXFVuaW5zdGFsbFwqIHwgd2hlcmUtT2JqZWN0IERpc3BsYXlOYW1lIC1saWtlICdOb3RlUGFkK ysqJwokdzMyPUdldC1JdGVtUHJvcGVydHkgSEtMTTpcU29mdHdhcmVcTWljcm9zb2Z0XFdpbmRvd3NcQ3VycmVudFZlcnNpb25 cVW5pbnN0YWxsXCogIHwgd2hlcmUtT2JqZWN0IERpc3BsYXlOYW1lIC1saWtlICdOb3RlUGFkKysqJwppZiAoJHc2NCAtb3IgJ HczMikKewogICAgV3JpdGUtb3V0cHV0ICJOb3RlcGFkKysgaXMgYWxyZWFkeSBpbnN0YWxsZWQgb24geW91ciBtYWNoaW5lLiI
"scriptType": "ps",
"detectionScript": "",
"detectionScriptType": "ps"
API Response
{ "customerId": "bc023fd7-4290-f28f-8181-95a46f519f52", "id": "bdc31e33-753e-4a10-a5e0-a74fc551034a", "schemaVersion": "1.0", "name": "Public API job with chained job and alwaysShowCompletedPrompt", "type": "Install", "status": "Disabled", "assetIds": ["ac66e55a-efc6-4a8d-9f61-00d871572b96"], "assetTagIds": ["f81f37b3-a32b-4aa0-a428-12cad6e37db1"], "matchAllTagIds": null, "exclusionAssetIds": ["94c0bc01-3b1b-4b4b-84a0-b9fe3c9aebb0"], "exclusionTagIds": [ "1de6c626-de40-4dee-81f8-ae022cd9726a"], "coAuthorUserIds": ["568be9b8-cbbb-47bf-8132-e4f3c2c46e6c"], "approvedPatches": [], "disabledPatches": null, "patchCount": 0, "scheduleType": "On-demand", "startDateTime": "2024-12-31 10:35:04 AM", "recurring": false, "recurringWeekDays": null, "dayOfMonth": null, "recurringDayOfMonth": null, "recurringWeekDayOfMonth": null, "timezoneType": "SPECIFIC_TZ", "timezone": "UTC", "timeout": 6, "timeoutUnit": "HOURS", "preDeployment": { "userMessage": "", "description": "", "deferment": { "count": 3, "interval": 1, "intervalUnit": "HOURS" } }, "duringDeployment": { "userMessage": "During deployment userMessage", "description": "During deployment Description" }, "postDeployment": { "suppressReboots": false, "rebootHonorOnUserLogin": false, "rebootOption": { "userMessage": "rebootOption user message", "description": "rebootOption description", "deferment": { "count": 3, "interval": 1, "intervalUnit": "HOURS" } }, "rebootCountdown": { "interval": 15, "intervalUnit": "MINUTES", "userMessage": "Reboot Countdown usermessage", "description": "Reboot Countdown description" }, "onComplete": { "userMessage": "On complete userMessage", "description": "On complete Description", "alwaysShowCompletedPrompt": true } }, "description": "Created via public API", "createdBy": { "user": { "id": "c4c71f94-4ef6-7e6f-8260-11704fa58172", "name": "quays_rw17" }, "date": 1735641304754 }, "updatedBy": { "user": null, "date": null }, "deletedBy": { "user": null, "date": null }, "assetCount": null, "opportunisticDownloads": false, "filterType": "Any", "exclusionFilterType": "Any", "taggedAssetCount": 0, "minimizeWindow": true, "dynamicPatchesQQL": null, "isDynamicPatchesQQL": false, "dynamicQQLType": null, "platform": "Windows", "continueOnPatchFailure": false, "preDeployActions": [ { "actionId": "11689a7c-ff8d-493f-87c8-5babcfaef512", "action": "Run Script", "actionType": "predeploy", "params": { "actionItem": "Notepad detection script", "timeout": 180 }, "script": "bc023fd7-4290-f28f-8181-95a46f519f52/11689a7c-ff8d-493f-87c8-5babcfaef512/Script", "scriptType": "ps", "actionLinkedToJob": false } ], "postDeployActions": [ { "actionId": "733d3f6c-8ba4-4ba5-8a54-a57e8a264f11", "action": "Install Software", "actionType": "postdeploy", "params": { "actionItem": "Install Notepad", "downloadURL": "", "downloadProtocol": 0, "installMethod": 0, "fileChecksum": "613f36bf5e98be7e56b7ea0c678cfb8534077c2ec1cbe839a854dd0a60278ebb", "timeout": 180 }, "detectionScript": "", "detectionScriptType": "ps", "script": "bc023fd7-4290-f28f-8181-95a46f519f52/733d3f6c-8ba4-4ba5-8a54-a57e8a264f11/Script", "scriptType": "ps", "actionLinkedToJob": false } ], "applicableAssetCount": 0, "monthlyRecurringType": null, "patchTuesdayPlusXDays": null, "recurringLastDayOfMonth": null, "jobCategory": 3, "jobTriggerStatus": null, "completionPercent": null, "totalAssetCount": null, "assetResultReceivedCount": null, "jobSource": 3, "readOnly": false, "notification": { "notificationTypes": { "email": true }, "notificationConfigs": { "recipientEmails": "", "completedPercentage": "80" }, "notificationEvents": { "onJobStart": true, "onJobComplete": false } }, "linkedJobId": "5b0fd130-52c8-473c-96b1-8f10ea7d4c13", "linkedToJob": [ { "customerId": "bc023fd7-4290-f28f-8181-95a46f519f52", "id": "5b0fd130-52c8-473c-96b1-8f10ea7d4c13", "name": "only pre post", "type": "Install", "status": "Prepared", "createdBy": { "user": { "id": "c4c71f94-4ef6-7e6f-8260-11704fa58172", "name": "quays_rw17" }, "date": 1727276515619 }, "linkedJobReferenceCount": 3, "schedule": "On-Demand", "previousRun": null, "nextRun": null, "chainedJobRule": [ { "id": "c40b7de6-343b-4bf9-80d3-00ee57b2737f", "field": "postDeployAction", "threshold": 100, "actionIds": [ "07eed865-d8e2-4cba-9c2a-27eeeef0598a" ], "condition": "Post Actions were successfully executed", "actionDetails": [ { "actionId": "07eed865-d8e2-4cba-9c2a-27eeeef0598a", "action": "Run Script", "actionType": "postdeploy", "params": { "actionItem": "post", "fileChecksum": "", "timeout": 180, "remediationScope": false }, "script": "bc023fd7-4290-f28f-8181-95a46f519f52/07eed865-d8e2-4cba-9c2a-27eeeef0598a/Script", "scriptType": "ps", "actionLinkedToJob": false } ] } ] } ], "linkedJobs": null, "jobStartCountdown": null, "passwordAction": null, "subCategory": "Patch", "additionalDynamicQQLType": null, "additionalDynamicPatchesQQL": null, "downloadRandomizeTime": 2, "downloadRandomizeTimeUnit": "HOURS", "customPatchURLId": null, "isVulnContext": null, "remediationQids": null, "isAssetImported": false }
Update a Job
New or Updated API | Updated |
API Endpoint | /pm/v1/deploymentjob/update/{deploymentJobId} |
Method | PATCH |
DTD or XSD changes | Not Applicable |
With this release, this API is updated so that you can accomplish the following:
- Update a rollback job to roll back patches from the Linux assets.
Before this release, you could update a rollback job to roll back patches from only Windows assets. - Add patches from another job (which you can call a parent or a linked job) while updating the Windows and Linux jobs. You can also add a condition you want to consider in the job execution. Note that the condition is based on the post-actions of the parent job. This allows you to control the run of child job execution based on the successful percentage of post-actions in the parent job.
- Always show the Patch Job Deployment Completion Pop-Up Window on patched machines for Windows deployment jobs irrespective of whether the patches are failed, skipped, or successfully deployed.
Input ParametersInput Parameters
Parameter |
Mandatory/ |
Data Type |
Description |
alwaysShowCompletedPrompt |
Optional |
Boolean |
Specify the value as true to show the Patch Job Deployment Completion Pop-Up Window, irrespective of whether the patches are failed, skipped, or successfully deployed. Available values: true and false |
type |
Mandatory |
String |
Specify the job type. The available values: Install (Windows and Linux), Rollback (Windows & Linux) |
chainedJobRule |
Optional |
String |
Specify the following values in the chainedJobRule array to decide on the child job execution based on the successful percentage of post action in the parent job.
Sample - Update a Linux Rollback JobSample - Update a Linux Rollback Job
API Request
curl -X PATCH
-H "accept: application/json"
-H "Authorization: <<Jwt Token>>"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
Request Body
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API Response
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Sample - Update a Job with patches added from a parent job and show the Patch Job Deployment Completion Pop-Up WindowSample - Update a Job with patches added from a parent job and show the Patch Job Deployment Completion Pop-Up Window
API Request
curl -X PATCH
-H "accept: application/json"
-H "Authorization: <<Jwt Token>>" -H "Content-Type: application/json"
Request Body
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