Release 3.19.1

December 18, 2024 (January 27, 2025)

What's New?

We are introducing the following new features and enhancements with the Qualys release.

Cloud Agent

New Feature - Download Cloud Agent Logs from User Interface

With this release, we are adding support for downloading agent logs from the Cloud Agent user interface. You can now download the agent logs to troubleshoot the Cloud Agent, without contacting Qualys Support and accessing the affected Cloud Agents.

 This feature is disabled by default. To enable it for your subscription, contact Qualys Support.

Ensure that your Cloud Agent is active to download the Cloud Agent logs. The Cloud Agent log download option does not work for inactive agents. You can download five Cloud Agent logs per day. If you want to increase the log download limit for your subscription, contact Qualys Support.

To access this option, navigate to Agent Management > Agent > Quick Actions > Troubleshoot. In the Troubleshoot menu hover to the Remote Log Collection > Request Logs. In the Request Agent Logs window, you can configure the agent log download request.

Window to create Agent Log Download request.

This feature is supported for the following Cloud Agents:

  • Cloud Agent Windows 5.0 and later
  • Cloud Agent Linux 5.6 and later
  • Cloud Agent Gentoo Linux all versions
  • Cloud Agent MacOS Intel x86_64 5.4 and later
  • Cloud Agent MacOS Apple Silicon 5.5 and later
  • Cloud Agent Linux ARM 6.0 and later

You must have active subscriptions to the Qualys applications for which you want to download the Cloud Agent logs.

New Feature - Provision Cloud Agent for New Qualys Application — Mitigation

With this application, you can launch a mitigation job to mitigate the risk posed by vulnerabilities for which the patches are not available or can not be deployed due to system unavailability. Once the mitigation job is successfully executed, it reduces the Qualys Detection Score (QDS) for vulnerabilities.

With this release of Cloud Platform, we support provisioning your Cloud Agents with the new Qualys application — Mitigation. It helps you launch the mitigation jobs on associated Cloud Agent hosts.

This feature is available only when the Cloud Agent binary with Mitigation support is available. For supported Cloud Agent versions, refer to the Features by Agent Version section in the Cloud Agent Platform Availability Matrix.

Updated Cloud Agent Permissions for Manager User

We have updated the default Cloud Agent permissions of CA Manager users for better user and account management. The following table lists the newly added permission for manager users:

Category New Default Permissions
CA Activation Key Permissions - Change Activation Key
- View Activation Key
- Create Activation Key
- Edit Activation Key
- Enable Activation Key
- Disable Activation Key
- Delete Activation Key
- Enable Module for Activation Key
- Add Tags to Activation Key
CA CAPS Profile Permissions - View CAPS Profile
- Create CAPS Profile
- Edit CAPS Profile
CA SwCA Configuration Permissions - View SwCA Configuration
- Create SwCA Configuration
- Edit SwCA Configuration
CA Agent Version Control Profile Permissions - View Agent Version Control Profile
- Create Agent Version Control Profile
- Edit Agent Version Control Profile
- Delete Agent Version Control Profile
CA Configuration Profile Permissions - Delete Configuration Profile
- View Configuration Profile
- Create Configuration Profile
- Edit Configuration Profile
CA Agent Permissions - Launch On-Demand Scan
- Install Agent
- Uninstall Agent
- Activate Agent
- Deactivate Agent
- Generate Key to Disable Self Protection
- Troubleshoot
CA Module Access Permissions - CA UI Access Permission for subusers
- CA API Access Permission for subusers
CA Subscription Level Settings Permissions - Disable Self-Protection
CA Assessment Permissions - View Assessment
- Create Assessment
- Edit Assessment
- Delete Assessment
CA Vault Connection Permissions - View Vault Connection
- Create Vault Connection
- Edit Vault Connection
- Delete Vault Connection

Support for New Features for Linux Assets with ARM Architecture

With this release, the following features are available for the Linux assets with ARM architecture:

Activation Key Change

You can now change the activation key for a Linux ARM agent from the Cloud Agent user interface. Earlier this eature was available only through the command line.

On Demand Scan

We have added support for launching the On-Demand Scan for Linux ARM agents from the Cloud Agent user interface. This improves the user experience, as you do not have to switch between the Cloud Agent user interface and command line utility to launch the On-Demand Scan.


We have added support for performing troubleshooting steps for Linux ARM agents from Cloud Agent user interface.  You can now enable or disable trace level log collection, perform agent restart action directly on Cloud Agent user interface.

Remote Log Collection

We have added support to allow remote log collection for Linux ARM agents from Cloud Agent user interface. This reduces the support cases resolution time for remote users.

Reduced Activity Period

We have added support for setting up reduced activity period for Linux ARM agents from Cloud Agent user interface. This allows you to block the network transmission and data collection for selected agents.

Enable EDR and EPP

We have added support to enable Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) and Endpoint Protection Platform for Linux ARM agents from Cloud Agent user interface.

Refer to Cloud Agent Online Help to learn more about these features.

New Tokens

The following new search token(s) are added to the Agents tab in the Cloud Agent user interface:

Token Name Description
lastSwCAScanDate Find the Cloud Agent host with the specified last SwCA scan date.

For example, specific date: 'YYYY-MM-DD'. 

Updated Tokens

The following token(s) are updated for Agents tab:

Token Name Description
platformType The agentPlatform token is renamed to the platformType. You can use this token to find the Cloud Agents based on the operating system type.


SAQ pill

Security Assessment Questionnaire

Email Template Enhancement

With this release, we have updated the email template. Email notifications play an important role in keeping users informed. 
Key improvements

  • Customizable Background Colors

    Users can now change the background color of email templates, with options limited to red and blue. Blue is the default setting, providing a fresh and modern look.

  • Personalized Sender Information

    We have replaced the default sender email address,, with the customer’s name and email ID. This enhancement ensures that invitees can easily recognize the source of the emails, making communication clearer and more personal.

These modifications enhance the visual appeal of our communications and help you brand your emails effectively.

To implement the new background colors and customize the sender name and email address, contact your  Technical Account Manager or Qualys support team.

View Customizable Background Colors change example screenshot.

Campaign Report Enhancement

We have improved our Campaign report. Earlier, when users downloaded a Campaign Report in PDF format, they could not open the file and received an error message, 'We can't open this file.'

Users encountered this issue because the report included data from the Risk Wise Assessment in a graphical format. This graphical representation relied on an old legacy feature that we no longer support. We have resolved this issue by removing graphs from the Report Summary section in PDF format and adding a tabular format for Risk Wise Assessment for improved clarity.

View Risk Wise Assessment.

Web Application Scanning

With this release of Qualys Cloud Platform, we have added support for configuring the maximum number of links crawled during the web application scans, before the scan is terminated. You can set any value as the limit for Maximum Links Crawled, and when this limit is reached, scan is terminated with scan status as Maximums Links Crawled.

To configure the maximum links limit, in the WAS user interface, navigate to Configuration > Option Profile > New Profile. In the Scan Parameter window, you can configure the value of Maximum Links to Crawl as required. The default value for this parameter is 1000. 

Issues Addressed

Category/Component Application Description
Cloud Agent UI Cloud Agent The newly created default SwCA Configuration profile was not applied to the Cloud Agents that were using an old default profile. We fixed this issue, by ensuring that the newly created default SwCA configuration profile is applied to all the Cloud Agents.
Shared Portal VMDR We fixed an issue where the misleading trending data was displayed for the vulnerabilities due to failure of scheduled interval scans.
Portal AssetView We fixed an issue where the AssetView dashboard widgets were not getting updated and displayed the old data.
Portal CSAM API We fixed an issue where some APIs were taking more than expected time to generate output.
WAS UI WAS We fixed an issue where the scanners were incorrectly assigned from both the external and internal scanner pools in case of multiscans.