Release 3.19.1 API

December 18, 2024

Before understanding the API release highlights, learn more about the API server URL to be used in your API requests by referring to the Know Your Qualys API Server URL section. For this API Release Notes, <qualys_base_url> is mentioned in the sample API requests.

What's New?

Cloud Agent

Software Component Report Download API: Support to Download SwCA Scan Report as per Cyclone Dx Standard in JSON Format

New or Updated API New
API Endpoint /qps/rest/1.0/download/ca/downloadcdxsbom/
Method POST
DTD or XSD Changes Not Applicable

With this API, we added support for downloading Software Composition Analysis (SwCA) Scan Report as per CycloneDX standard in JSON format. You can either view the SwCA scan report or download it.

Input ParametersInput Parameters

Use the following input parameters to generate the SwCA report as per Cyclon Dx standard in JSON format.

Input Parameter Mandatory/ Optional Data Type Description
assetId Mandatory Integer Use this parameter to specify the unique asset ID.
cdxschemaversion Mandatory String Use this parameter to specify the report version you want to download Acceptable values: CYCLONE_DX_1_4, CYCLONE_DX_1_6

Sample: Download SwCA Scan ReportSample: Download SwCA Scan Report

The following sample demonstrates downloading the SwCA scan report as per CycloneDX standard in JSON format.

API Request

curl -u fo_username:password -X POST -H "application/xml" 
-H "X-Requested-With: curl" --data-binary @download_report.xml 

 API Request Body

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

API Response

   SwCA report will be downloaded with Status: 200 OK

Added Support for New Qualys Application ‒ Mitigation

With this release, we have added support for a new Qualys application - Mitigation. You can now enable the Qualys Mitigation for your Cloud Agents and launch the mitigation jobs for the vulnerabilities detected on your assets. This helps you minimize the risks associated with the vulnerabilities for which the patches are not available or can not be deployed due to system unavailability.

With the introduction of Qualys Mitigation, we have updated the following Cloud Agent APIs to help you manage the Mitigation applications. Using these APIs, you can activate or deactivate Qualys Mitigation for single or multiple Cloud Agents, create an activation key and provision it, update an existing activation key to provision it for Qualys Mitigation, and fetch activation key details.

This feature is available only for Cloud Agent binaries with support for Qualys Mitigation. To learn more about supported Cloud Agent versions, refer to the Cloud Agent Platform Availability Matrix.

Activate Single Agent API: Activate Single Agent for Qualys MitigationActivate Single Agent API: Activate Single Agent for Qualys Mitigation

New or Updated API Updated
API Endpoint /qps/rest/2.0/activate/am/asset/<id>?module=<value1>,<value2>
Method POST
DTD or XSD Changes No

Using this API, you can activate the Qualys applications for a single Cloud Agent. With this release, we have added support to activate the new Qualys Application ‒ Mitigation for a single Cloud Agent.

Provide the following details in the API Request:

Query Parameter Description
<id> (Required) Provide the asset ID of the Cloud Agent you want to activate.
module=<value1>,<value2> (Required) Provide the application names that you want to activate for a Cloud Agent. The applications you want to activate must be enabled for your subscription. You can provide multiple application names to be activated for a Cloud Agent in a comma-separated list. Use AGENT_MTG for Qualys Mitigation.

Sample: Activate Single Agent for Qualys MitigationSample: Activate Single Agent for Qualys Mitigation

The following is the sample of activating a single Cloud Agent for Mitigation.

API Request

curl -u fo_username:password -X POST -H "Content-Type: text/xml" -H 
"X-Requested-With: curl" --data-binary @single_activation.xml"

API Request Body

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

API Response

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
						<name>Tag name 1</name>
						<name>Tag name 2</name>
						<name>Cloud Agent</name>
						<name>Tag name 3</name>
						<name>Tag name 4</name>

Activate Multiple Agents API: Activate Multiple Agents for Qualys MitigationActivate Multiple Agents API: Activate Multiple Agents for Qualys Mitigation

New or Updated API Updated
API Endpoint /qps/rest/2.0/activate/am/asset?module=<value1>,<value2>
Method POST
DTD or XSD Changes No

Using this API, you can activate multiple Cloud Agents for Qualys applications. With this release, we are introducing support to activate the new Qualys Application ‒ Mitigation for multiple Cloud Agents.

Provide the following details in the API request:

Query Parameter Description
module=<value1>,<value2> (Required) Provide the application names that you want to activate for a Cloud Agent. The applications you want to activate must be enabled for your subscription.

You can provide multiple application names to be activated for a Cloud Agent in a comma-separated list. Use AGENT_MTG for Qualys Mitigation.

Input ParametersInput Parameters

Use the following <ServiceRequest> parameters to select the Cloud Agents you want to activate. These parameters act as filters. When multiple filters are specified, parameters are combined using a logical AND.

Parameter Mandatory/ Optional Data Type Description
id Optional Long Asset ID of the agent host.
name Optional String Asset name of the agent host.
created Optional Date The date when the agent host was added to your asset inventory (i.e. when the agent was provisioned).

The date is specified in UTC/GMT format, i.e. YYYY-MM-DD[THH:MM:SSZ]
updated Optional Date The date when the agent was last updated, such as activation, hostname change, etc. The date is specified in UTC/GMT format.
tagName Optional String The asset tag name assigned to the agent host. All agent hosts are assigned the tag Cloud Agent.

Sample: Activate Multiple Cloud Agents for MitigationSample: Activate Multiple Cloud Agents for Mitigation

API Request

curl -u fo_username:password -X POST -H "Content-Type: text/xml" -H 
"Cache-Control: no-cache" --data-binary @activate_all_agents.xml

API Request Body

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
		<Criteria field="tagName" operator="EQUALS">Cloud Agent</Criteria>

API Response

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
                        <name>Cloud Agent</name>
                        <name>Cloud Agent</name>
            <name>local IP agent</name>
                        <name>Cloud Agent</name>

Deactivate Single Agent API: Deactivate Single Agent for Qualys MitigationDeactivate Single Agent API: Deactivate Single Agent for Qualys Mitigation

New or Updated API Updated
API Endpoint /qps/rest/2.0/deactivate/am/asset/<id>?module=<value1>,<value2>
Method POST
DTD or XSD Changes No

Using this API, you can deactivate the Qualys applications for a single Cloud Agent. With this release, we are introducing support to deactivate the new Qualys Application ‒ Mitigation for a single Cloud Agent.

Provide the following details in the API Request:

Query Parameter Description
<id> (Required) Provide the asset ID of the Cloud Agent you want to deactivate. 
module=<value1>,<value2> (Required) Provide the application name that you want to deactivate for a Cloud Agent. The applications you want to deactivate must be enabled for your subscription. You can provide multiple application names to be deactivated for a Cloud Agent in a comma-separated list. Use AGENT_MTG for Qualys Mitigation.

Sample: Deactivate a single Cloud Agent for MitigationSample: Deactivate a single Cloud Agent for Mitigation

API Request

curl -u fo_username:password -X POST -H "Content-Type: text/xml" --
data-binary @single_deactivation.xml 

API Request Body

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

API Response

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
                            <name>Cloud Agent</name>

Deactivate Multiple Agents API: Deactivate Multiple Agents for Qualys MitigationDeactivate Multiple Agents API: Deactivate Multiple Agents for Qualys Mitigation

New or Updated API Updated
API Endpoint /qps/rest/2.0/deactivate/am/asset?module=<value1>,<value2>
Method POST
DTD or XSD Changes No

Using this API, you can deactivate the Qualys applications for multiple Cloud Agents. With this release, we are introducing support to deactivate the new Qualys Application ‒ Mitigation for multiple Cloud Agents.

Provide the following details in the API Request:

Query Parameter Description
<id> (Required) Provide the asset ID of the Cloud Agent you want to deactivate. 
module=<value1>,<value2> (Required) Provide the application names that you want to deactivate for a Cloud Agent. The applications you want to deactivate must be enabled for your subscription. You can provide multiple application names to be deactivated for a Cloud Agent in a comma-separated list. Use AGENT_MTG for Qualys Mitigation.

Input ParametersInput Parameters

Use the following <ServiceRequest> parameters to select the Cloud Agents you want to deactivate. These parameters act as filters. When multiple filters are specified, parameters are combined using a logical AND.

Parameter Manadatory/ Optional Data Type Description
id Optional Long Asset ID of the agent host.
name Optional String Asset name of the agent host.
created Optional Date     The date when the agent host was added to your inventory.

The date is specified in UTC/GMT format, i.e. YYYY-MM-DD[THH:MM:SSZ]
updated Optional Date The date when the agent was last updated, such as activation, hostname change, etc. The date is specified in UTC/GMT format.
tagName Optional String The asset tag name assigned to the agent host. All agent hosts are assigned the tag Cloud Agent.

Sample: Deactivate Multiple Agents for MitigationSample: Deactivate Multiple Agents for Mitigation

 The following is the sample API request for deactivating multiple Cloud Agents for Mitigation.

API Request

curl -u fo_username:password -X POST -H "Content-Type: text/xml" --data-binary@single_deactivation.xml"

API Request Body

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

API Response

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
							<name>Cloud Agent</name>

Create Activation Key API: Create Activation Key for Qualys MitigationCreate Activation Key API: Create Activation Key for Qualys Mitigation

New or Updated API Updated
API Endpoint /qps/rest/1.0/create/ca/agentactkey/
Method POST
DTD or XSD Changes No

Using this API, you can create an activation key and use it for provisioning Cloud Agents to different Qualys Applications. With this release, we are adding the support to provision a Cloud Agent using an activation key for the new Qualys Application ‒ Mitigation.

Input ParametersInput Parameters

The <ServiceRequest> parameters are used to create an activation key. You can use the filter operators with <ServiceRequest> parameters.

Parameters Mandatory/Optional Data Type Description
type Mandatory String Defines activation key type.
Valid values: UNLIMITED, 
countPurchased Optional Integer Number of activation keys purchased. 
This is a mandatory paramer if activation key type is COUNT_LIMITED or COUNT_TIME_LIMITED.
expireDate Optional Date Activation key expiration date.
The date is specified in UTC/GMT format, i.e. YYYY-MMDD[THH:MM:SS.
This is a mandatory parameter if the activation key type is TIME_LIMITED or COUNT_TIME_LIMITED.
modules Optional String Defines the modules to be activated for an activation key.
Use MTG for Qualys Mitigation.
tags Optional String Defines the tags added to an activation key.
These tags are added to Cloud Agents installed with this activation key.

Sample: Create Activation Key for MitigationSample: Create Activation Key for Mitigation

API Request

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: text/xml" -H "X-Requested-With: curl" -
H "Authorization: Basic AbcdAbcdAbcdAbcdAbcd" -H "Cxml" -H 
"Cache-Control: no-cache" --data-binary @key_create.xml 

API Request Body

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
            <title>example create from api</title>
                        <name>Temp Tag</name>

API Request

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
            <title>example key create from api</title>
                        <name>Temp Tag</name>

Update Activation Key API: Update Activation Key for Qualys MitigationUpdate Activation Key API: Update Activation Key for Qualys Mitigation

New or Updated API Updated
API Endpoint /qps/rest/1.0/update/ca/agentactkey/<id>
Method POST
DTD or XSD Changes No

Using this API, you can update activation keys. With this release, we are adding support to provision a Cloud Agent using an activation key for the new Qualys Application ‒ Mitigation.

Input ParametersInput Parameters

The following <ServiceRequest> parameters are used to update an activation key. Filter operators are available for use with <ServiceRequest> parameters.

Parameter Mandatory/ Optional Data Type Description
id Mandatory Integer The ID of an activation key to be updated.
type Mandatory String Specify the key type.

countPurchased Manadatory Integer Specify the number of keys you have purchased.

(This parameter is mandatory if you specify the key type as COUNT_LIMITED or COUNT_TIME_LIMITED). Valid values >= 1.
expireDate Manadatory Date Specify the key expiration date. Date is specified in UTC/GMT format, i.e. YYYY-MM-DD[THH:MM:SSZ.

This parameter is mandatory if you specify the key type as TIME_LIMITED or COUNT_TIME_LIMITED.
modules Optional String Provision one or more modules for this key.

Use MTG for Mitigation.
tags Optional String Add tags to this key. These tags are applied to the agents installed with the key.
isDisabled Optional Boolean Set this parameter to true to disable an activation key.
applyOnAgents Optional Boolean Set this parameter to true to apply the updated key to all associated Cloud Agents.

The changes related to tags, licenses, and limits are applied to Cloud Agents.

By default, this parameter is false, meaning updated activation key changes are not applied to Cloud Agents.

Sample: Update an Activation Key for Qualys MitigationSample: Update an Activation Key for Qualys Mitigation

API Request

curl -X POST -H "X-Requested-With: curl" -H "Authorization: Basic 
AbcdAbcdAbcdAbcdAbcd" -H "Content-Type: text/xml" -H "Cache-Control: 
no-cache" --data-binary @key_update.xml 

API Request Body

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
            <title>example key updated from api</title>
            <title>example key create from api</title>
                        <name>Temp Tag</name>

API Response

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
            <title>example key updated from api</title>
            <title>example key create from api</title>
                        <name>Temp Tag</name>

Get Activation Key Details API: View Activation Key DetailGet Activation Key Details API: View Activation Key Detail

New or Updated API Updated
API Endpoint /qps/rest/1.0/get/ca/agentactkey/<id>
Method GET, POST
DTD or XSD Changes No

Using this API, you can view activation key details such as key iID status, unique activation key, key purchased and used counts, type, and provisioned applications. With this release, we are adding support for a new Qualys application ‒ Mitigation.

To get the details of an activation key, specify the activation key ID (id) in the API request.

Sample: View Activation Key DetailsSample: View Activation Key Details

API Request

curl -X GET -H "X-Requested-With: curl" -H "Authorization: Basic 
AbcdAbcdAbcdAbcdAbcd" -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" 

API Response

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
                        <name>Temp Tag</name>

To learn more about impacted APIs, refer to Qualys Cloud Agent API User Guide.