Configure Static IP Address

If the core group to which the Management interface is connected has a DHCP server, you can view the Management Network Configurations with the Show option. If there is no DHCP server in your network, you must enable the Virtual Sensor with a static IP address by selecting the STATIC IP option. One of these configurations is required.

To enable a static IP address, perform the following steps:

  1. Go to the Set up Network menu option and press Enter to continue.
  2. Press the Space Bar to select the Static IP option and choose OK.
  3.  Provide parameters for Static IP configuration:
    • IP address - Enter the static IP address.
    • Netmask - Enter the desired netmask value.
    • Gateway - Enter the gateway IP address.
    • DNS1 - Enter the IP address for the primary DNS server.
    • DNS2 - Enter the IP address for the secondary DNS server. This entry is optional.
  4. Choose Submit and press Enter. Wait for some time, and you can see a confirmation message for successfully configuring network settings.

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