Generate Personalization Code
Registering your appliance with the Qualys Cloud Platform requires a unique personalization code.
Perform the following steps to generate a personalization code:
- Log in to the Qualys UI and select Network Passive Sensor from the app picker.
- On the Sensors tab, go to New Sensor > Virtual Sensor to register a new sensor.
- In the New Virtual Sensor wizard, provide a name for your sensor and the location. Click the Generate Code.
Copy the code and keep it handy. You will need it later.
- Click Next to go to the Installation screen.
If you have not downloaded the image from the Home screen, you can download it from there. - Click Next to go to the Define Internal Assets screen.
Here, you need to define the IP ranges you want to monitor within your network. The assets discovered for these IP addresses are individually inventoried and tracked for traffic analysis. You can use default IP ranges or customized IP ranges. - Select Inventory these assets check box for marking inventoried assets. You can apply existing tags to these assets. To configure the internal, external, and excluded types of assets, refer to Configure Assets.
- Click Finish to complete the registration steps.
A pop-up is shown with Sensor not connected text.
Now complete the next step, and the sensor status changes once registration is successful.