Storage Drivers

QScanner saves the image and creates a .tar output. This operation can be time-consuming if the image size is large. If you have a 'docker' or 'containerd' runtime installed and the image is pulled locally, you can avoid image saving by making use of the runtime's underlying 'overlay2'  or 'containerd-overlay' file system respectively.

For this, you can use --storage-driver <storage-driver-option> flag.

The following storage driver options are supported:

  • none: Doesn't use any storage driver. Performs actual image save for scanning. This is the 'default' storage driver option.
  • docker-overlay2: Uses overlay2 file system for docker environment.
  • containerd-overlay: Uses overlay file system for containerd environment.
    For example,
    $ export CONTAINERD_ROOT_DIR=<containerd root directory path>
    $ ./qscanner image --storage-driver containerd-overlay centos:latest

Currently, the --storage-driver flag works only with 'docker' and 'containerd' runtimes.