Slack Connector

Setup your Slack account to enable it for scanning by SaaSDR before you create the connector.

Follow these steps to create a Slack Connector:

1) Create application and get Client ID, Client Secret Key

2) Create Connector in SaaSDR with Slack as application

Create application and get Client ID, Client Secret Key

1)  Go to the URL to create the app.

2) Click Your Apps > Create New App.

Create app

3) Enter App Name and select workspace.

Create App Details

Following details will be displayed:

App credentails

4) Copy Client ID and Client Secret from above details, you will need them in later steps while creating Slack Connector.

5) Expand Install your app section and click permission scope to add redirect URL and scopes.

Installing app

6)  Add redirect URL and scope (Example:

Redirect UrI as copied from Qualys SaaSDR application. (Ex:

Redirect URL

7) Add the following scopes in User Token Scopes section and click Add an OAuth Scope.

Slack Scopes

8) On adding all the mentioned scopes click Install to Workspace.

Install Workspace

9) Click Allow and give permissions to your app.

Allow permissions

Once you click Allow, it will create your App and screen displaying the User Token will be displayed.


Create Connector in SaaSDR with Slack as application

1) Now, on the SaaSDR UI, go to Configuration > Connectors and click Create Connector.

2) On the Create Connector page, select Slack from the SaaS drop-down menu.


3) Provide the Client ID and Client Secret as Application ID and Application Key in SaaSDR app.

4) Click Create Connector.

You will be redirected to the login page of the SaaS application where you need to login. Once your connector is created, it is listed in the Configurations > Connectors list.

That's it!

Once the application is connected, a scan is initiated to pull metadata from the application. This step may take some time to complete based on the number of resources to be catalogued in your application.