View Meetings

The Meetings tab lists all the meetings and webinars conducted via applications like Zoom.

The tab lists only meetings with at least one recording. Meetings without recordings are not captured by SaaSDR.

Click meeting to view the meeting details.

Qualys SaaSDR does not list ongoing meetings or meetings scheduled for the future. For SaaSDR to list a meeting, it must have concluded and have at least one cloud recording.

For each meeting, Qualys SaaSDR collects the following information:

  • Participants: Click a meeting and then click the Participants tab on the left to view the meeting participants. Participants are classified as Internal or External depending on the participant's email address.
    participant details
  • Recordings: Click a meeting and then the Recordings tab on the left to view the meeting's recordings. For each recording, you can view its type, file format, and exposure type. Exposure Type is kept as Public when all users have access to that recording. Exposure Type is kept Private when all the meeting participants are private. Exposure Type is kept Internal when all the meeting participants are internal users of the application.

    Recording types are classified as Shared screen and Audio only. If the screen was recorded during the meeting, it appears as a Shared screen recording. If only the audio, that is, only the discussion, was recorded, it appears as Audio only under the Recording Type column.

    recording details

    Note: A meeting can have multiple recordings. Each recording session accounts for an individual recording.

  • User Access: User access can be Internal or External, depending upon the classification of the users involved in the meeting.

    If the meeting is strictly set for internal users, the User Access column displays Internal.

    meeting type

  • Meeting Type: Meetings are classified as Instant, Recurring, or Scheduled based on their occurrence and type. The Type column displays the type of the meeting.
    type of meeting

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