Reference: Campaign Elements

A reference of campaign elements is provided below. Required or Optional indicates whether the element is required to create a campaign.

Create Campaign Elements

Parameter Mandatory/Optional Data Type Description
name Mandatory Text Name of the campaign. Mandatory Long ID of the template that is used for creating the campaign
workflowType Mnadatory Text

Workflow type of the campaign. The values are: SIMPLE, REVIEWABLE and FULL.

  • SIMPLE (2-stage): workflow sends the questionnaire to user for information gathering.
  • REVIEWABLE (3-stage): workflow sends the answered questionnaire to a reviewer for review.
  • FULL (4-stage): workflow sends the answered questionnaire to a reviewer and an approver.

due date 

Mandatory Date Due date for the recipients to complete the campaign. Optional Long ID of the campaign reviewer. Required if the workflow type is Reviewable or Full. Optional Long ID of the approver. Required if the workflow type is Full.

List of notification types for the campaign (reminder, due date and overdue.

reminderNotification.enabled Optional Boolean True if notification enabled flag is set to true for the campaign.
reminderNotification.noOfDays Optional Integer Number of days after which first reminder notification will be sent.
reminderNotification.interval Optional Integer The interval in days after which next reminder notification will be sent.
dueDateNotification.enabled Optional Boolean True if due date notification enabled flag is set to true for the campaign.


Integer Number of days after which first reminder notification for due date of campaign will be sent.
dueDateNotification.interval Optional Integer The interval in days after which the next reminder notification for campaign due date will be sent.
overdueNotification.enabled Optional Boolean   True if overdue notification enabled flag is set to true for the campaign.
overdueNotification.noOfDays Optional Integer Number of days after which first reminder notification for campaign getting overdue will be sent.
overdueNotification.interval Optional Integer The interval in days after which the next reminder notification for campaign getting overdue will be sent.

Update Campaign Elements


Mandatory/Optional Data Type



Mandatory Long

Name of the campaign.


Optional Text

Name of the campaign.

Optional Long

ID of the template that is used for creating the campaign.


Optional Text

Workflow type of the campaign. The values are: SIMPLE, REVIEWABLE and FULL.

  • SIMPLE (2-stage): workflow sends the questionnaire to user for information gathering.
  • REVIEWABLE (3-stage): workflow sends the answered questionnaire to a reviewer for review.
  •  FULL (4-stage): workflow sends the answered questionnaire to a reviewer and an approver.

due date 

Optional Date

Due date for the recipients to complete the campaign.

Optional Long

ID of the campaign reviewer. Required if the workflow type is Reviewable or Full.

Optional Long

ID of the approver. Required if the workflow type is Full.



List of notification types for the campaign (reminder, due date, and overdue.


Optional Boolean

True if the notification enabled flag is set to true for the campaign.


Optional Integer

Number of days after which first reminder notification will be sent.


Optional Integer

The interval in days after which next reminder notification will be sent.


Optional Boolean

True if due date notification enabled flag is set to true for the campaign.


Optional Integer

Number of days after which first reminder notification for due date of campaign will be sent.


Optional Integer

The interval in days after which the next reminder notification for campaign due date will be sent.


Optional Boolean

True if overdue notification enabled flag is set to true for the campaign.


Optional Integer

Number of days after which first reminder notification for campaign getting overdue will be sent.


Optional Integer

The interval in days after which the next reminder notification for campaign getting overdue will be sent.